Part Twenty Five: Trying To Get What Your Deal Is

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Yuki insisted that she really didn't need me if she wasn't going anywhere. She had Hanabusa already, and she believed I had something more important to do. Which she was kinda right about. I was worried sick about Zero. I had no idea what was happening to him. And it was daylight still, I would have been terrified had it been nightfall but honestly, I just wanted to know he was alright.

I found my way back to the building, and then down the cold staircase and then there I was, standing before him. He wasn't exactly looking so well. Paler than usual if that was even possible. I stood straight, a few feet away from him. It had been a few minutes and neither of us had spoke.

Then he looked up at me finally, his eyes glowing that familiar red, and he looked like he was in pain.

"Zero, are you alright?" I was hesitant to get closer, but I couldn't be sure he wouldn't hurt me.

"Serrie... My blood is boiling. I can feel it, and it's terrifying."

That didn't sound exactly good. I decided that if he was in a right mind to call me Serrie and speak properly, he wouldn't lash out at me. I took a few steps closer, then another few. I knelt down close to him, and his eyes continued to glow.

"I really don't want to hurt you. But I can't promise anything."

"I know, it's okay. Don't worry, Zero." I told him. I kissed him lightly, slightly terrified he would grab hold of my scent.

"Please stay with me. Just for a little while." He looked so sad. Of course I would stay with him. It was almost heartbreaking to see him in so much pain and feel so helpless.

I sat down on the stone floor in front of him, although to tell you the truth it was really cold and slightly uncomfortable. We were silent, not that there's anything wrong with that but I wondered about what was happening outside these walls and what was the real danger lurking at the academy.

"Serena!" I knew what he meant. I felt it too. There was this presence, something ominous in the air. It had just arrived. It gave me an uncomfortable sort of chill.

"Another Pureblood... Disgusting."

"Is that what I am?" Oh my god. Are you kidding me?

"Kaname, get out. You're an eyesore to us all." I said. He stood just barely appearing from the shadows, near the same spot I stood in a while before.

"Serrie, give us a minute." Zero said to me.

"What?" I asked. Did he just tell me to leave him and Kaname alone?

"Serena please."

"Fine." I said, to both of them and left. I stood at the top of the stairs with the door shut, barely being able to make out what they were saying. It was probably just Kaname belittling Zero as usual. He did that a lot.

"You seem to be the one that knows the least about anything. I envy you, Serena."

"Excuse me? I know nothing because no one tells me anything that happens around this place. And you, you yourself, are the one who keeps the big secrets, Kuran."

"Oh Karasu." He said, smiling and left. Did he just call me my middle name? How did he even know that? I don't even think Zero could remember it.

I ran off to follow Kaname and at least attempt to find out something, but he had disappeared. I stood a little far off from where I could be near Zero, and being out in the open away from buildings with Vampires and god knows what else roaming around wasn't a way to feel safe.

I headed back, hearing a second person's voice already in there. It was Zero's twin, as expected, I was wondering when he'd turn up. As I stopped at the foot of the stairs, both of them made notice of my appearance.

"Oh look it's Serrie. Isn't that wonderful how you've come to join us." Ichiru said.

"Do not call me Serrie." I told him. He stood up from where he had been kneeling, and grabbed me quite aggressively it was almost extremely painful as well as uncomfortable.

"Ichiru, let me go." I said, trying to pry him off me.

"Let her go!" Zero said to him. Ichiru was doing this all for show obviously. Whatever he could do to set off his brother. That bastard.

"Now I'm having my fun here, Zero. You know how I've always fancied Serrie." And with that, he clawed at my face, digging his nails in and drawing out some blood. It hurt a lot more than one would expect. He smeared the blood around my face and neck, twisting my wrist behind my back.

"Ichiru please, why are you doing this?" I asked him.

"Ichiru if you love her, then please let her go." Zero begged.

"Oh but I can't, she's just far too beautiful." He said, wrapping his hand around my neck, choking me.

"Ichiru I told you to let her go!" What I remember next is falling to the floor, with a gunshot being fired.

I looked up from where I was laying on the ground, and I saw Zero with a stain of blood and his blood splattered over the wall. I stood up weakly, trying to make it to Zero but Ichiru attacked me first. When his hand came near me again, I bit it and he slapped me in retaliation. I tried pushing him off me, but he kept hitting me and I was well aware my nose or maybe my mouth was bleeding and I was also past the point of feeling it anymore.

"Zero, this is what happens to the people we love. They die."

"Ichiru stop it! Stop hurting her! I love her just leave her alone!"

Ichiru held me by my collar, kissing me rather aggressively before laying me down where the fading black was already coming in.

Still though, I could hear some voices in the receding distance. They sounded angry, aggressive, chaotic. That's what everything was around me. That's what everything would always be.

I'll also show you a sweet dream... Next night

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