Part Eight: Relieving Encounters

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I breathed deeply to the fresh night air and I watched from the ledge above during my patrol. I had started not too long ago and I was already bored. Even with the company of Yuki. Everything had just been so messed up now. We got rid of Shizuka, so why was Zero still so depressed. If he was hungry I would've let him have my blood. I know it's completely against my character, but I would do anything for Zero.

I wish I could say the same for him though. It was another slow passing week since that night had happened. And although I had seen Zero many times, I hadn't spoken a word to him. In fact, he wouldn't even show up for night patrol. He had showed up only twice and that was it. If he did show up, I didn't come and if he didn't come, I did.

"You're thinking about him. Aren't you?"

"He was just so different. He was way over-protective and he seemed so angry with himself. And when he kissed me..."

I held my fingers to my mouth and almost felt his lips against mine. And then I felt the pierce of his fangs. And how I was numb and yet, I didn't mind it.

"Serena, I love Zero and I love you too. And it just breaks my heart to see the two of you like this."

"But Yuki, how am I supposed to fix this? How does it seem that everything is all swell between you and Kaname?"

"I'm just very open with him and sometimes I let him to be over-protective. That way, we aren't always arguing over my safety. It seems that when you yelled at him, you knocked some sense into him."

That was it. Maybe it was because I wouldn't let Zero take over for me. I always evaded his protection. And I didn't really ever fully listen to him. I had been in the wrong this entire time. Not Zero. I squeezed Yuki in thanks to her amazing advice. And usually, she had no idea what she was talking about.

"Thank you so much, Yuki Cross."

"Glad I could help."

"I'm going to go check down below."

"Of course you are."

Yuki knew what I was doing. I wanted to find Zero. While I was still on this maniacal adrenaline rush of courage and confidence. I bounced about through the trees and I didn't even notice that I had fallen through and landed in front of the Night Class. Hanabusa was obviously the one to help me up. He hesitated at first though.

"Sasaki-san? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Hanabusa. Thanks."

Hanabusa held my wrist to show blood leaking from it. I was much less hesitant when he brought my wrist to his mouth. But I was still nervous. I felt him lick my wrist and his eyes caught the attention of my bite marks. He put his hands to it and felt around my neck.

"Sasaki-san, who did this to you?"

"Don't worry about it. It's nothing."

"That isn't nothing, those puncture wounds are really deep. Zero, he did this. Didn't he?"

I pulled his hand away from me and turned away. I couldn't let anyone else know about this. If Kaname found out then he would have Zero in the Night Class for sure.

"I said not to worry about it."

"At least let me walk with you, Sasaki-san."

"I'd like that. Thank you, Hanabusa."

I couldn't refuse. Because if I said no, Hanabusa would most definitely follow me and I couldn't risk it. I would let him walk with me for awhile and then I would pick a random destination.

We walked side by side for a long while and it wasn't exactly silent. There were pauses in between, but then there were enthusiastic conversations. I liked Hanabusa, he was actually really fun to be around. All the while, I kept thinking about how different he was from Zero. And how I got along so well with Hanabusa.

"Are you and Zero together, Sasaki-san?"

"I don't really know. I thought we were, but now I'm not so sure. We just always seem to break apart in one way or another. And yet, we always come back together. But this time, it's been so long. No words between us. Just silence."

"Zero should consider himself lucky to have you. You're a wonderful person, Sasaki-san."

I fell into Hanabusa and hugged him. He was always so kind to me and never had he meant harm. And I knew he liked me, but yet he was able to understand my feelings were for someone else.

"You don't need to always call me Sasaki-san. You can call me Serena."

"If that's what you wish, Serena. I understand that Zero is struggling with his Vampire side and all, but I can't help but wonder if he really is alright for you."

He pulled me in closer to meet his lips and I returned the gesture, but I didn't even help to notice that someone was standing there, watching. I kept a straight face towards Zero and Hanabusa looked none other than frightened.

"Come on Vampires, don't you think you've been pissing me off a little too much lately?"

"Zero Kiryu, shouldn't you be on patrol?"

"Shouldn't you be in class?"

"I fail to see the wrong in my situation."

"You were going to bite her, weren't you?"

"Don't worry, if I was, I would be sure to save some for you."

Zero brought out his gun and pointed it at Hanabusa. I brought myself in between them. No one was going to get hurt.

"Zero! Hanabusa never meant to hurt me!"

I then remembered what Yuki had said. I had to let Zero be protective sometimes.

"But I know you were just looking out for me. And I understand that now."

"Serena, you don't have to apologize."

"Yes I do! I kissed Hanabusa in front of you and I know you're hurting. I know because I would feel the same way. If I saw you with Yuki, I would want nothing more than to kill you myself."

"Serena, I know you don't have to love me and I accept that. If you like Hanabusa, then fine."

"Zero, I do like Serena very much but I have no intention of stealing her away from you. But if you hurt her, I will make sure you feel pain."

"Hanabusa Aido, I like you a lot too but I think I just want to be friends. But you're so fun to be around and I enjoy your company. And Zero Kiryu, I feel the utmost love for you possible. But you piss me off when you become self-absorbed and overly protective, but I know you just want to make sure I'm alright. Because of Ichiru. You're scared I might become like him."

"He'd never shut up about you. I knew you loved him too, and I dreaded that one day, you would have to choose."

"I choose you, Zero."

"I've been waiting, Serrie."

"Serena, I want you to be happy and if you're happy with Zero, then I know I should be grateful for watching you smile. And we can still be friends."

Hanabusa kissed my forehead and walked away into the night. He probably went back to class. Zero had put his gun away now and I looked to his lavender eyes.

"I love you, Serena."

"I love you too, Zero."

"It'll be sunrise in less than a few hours, I'll walk you back to your dorm."

I started yawning consistently. I was exhausted from all that had been going on. Zero caught me as I started stumbling forward and instead carried me. I had drifted off happily by the time Zero reached my room.

I'll also show you a sweet dream... Next night.

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