Part Nineteen: Flirting and Other Discreet Acts

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Yuki was fully recovered and I was generally stable, so we were now allowed to leave the infirmary. I borrowed a shirt that Yuki had, since my clothes were still covered in blood and Zero then came to see us.

"Classes are over. Both of you should eat something, especially Serena."

"Oh sure. Thanks for coming to see us, Zero."

"No problem, anytime. Were you alright after I left?" He asked, turning to me.

I opened my mouth to say something, but I held my tongue. If I was to tell Zero about his brother, then it would have been better if he did poison me. I think it was best to keep quiet about it now.

As Yuki and I were approaching the door, Hanabusa appeared out of nowhere in front of Zero.

"President Kuran has asked for Yuki, come with me. Serena, Zero, you two as well." He ordered.

We followed after Hanabusa, and again, all the students were just glaring at us and whispering their remarks. I didn't care, personally. Besides, they never were kind to me in the first place, so why should I care for them now?

Zero walked beside me, and a few times, he tried to reach for my hand, but I pretended to fix my my hair or cross my arms in order to avoid it. Yeah, I guess I was acting pretty stupid now. When I finally got the attention I wanted, I pushed it away. But I was playing hard to get in other words. I wasn't sure if it really worked, but it certainly fit my character.

"So, Yuki, you've lost your memories, have you?" Hanabusa asked after a while of silence.

"Yes, I have. Why do you ask, Hanabusa?"

"I took it upon myself to look into the matter."

Yuki just screamed in shock and pretty much embarrassed herself with the face she was making.

"Aido, you looked into my past?! I didn't ask you to do that! That was awfully-"

"You're so wrong! I wouldn't look into your past if someone begged me to. What I was talking about, was Lord Kaname's past."

It kind of amazed me how these two would always find a way to argue or yell at each other. Yuki and Hanabusa just didn't get along and never would, while I got along perfectly with both.

"I assume you know that Lord Kaname's parents have since passed away, right? So I investigated a little deeper, and I couldn't help but notice that every time I looked into a clue, it seemingly disappeared or was burned. It was a delivery cover-up, just like what happened with your memories. And now, Lord Kaname has taken it upon himself to treat you, a human girl, as his lover. Do you know why?" Yuki nodded, and so did I, except I have no idea why. Hanabusa then continued.

"Because your new status means the rest of us are forced to protect you, and it would seem to me that Lord Kaname knows that something is going to happen to you. I'm going to take my leave now, I don't want to hear that either of you were rude to him. Even you, Serena."

"But, Hanabusa, I'm never rude to Lord Kaname." I said.

"I didn't ask you if ever were, I'm just asking that you never be."

Why was Hanabusa that cold to me? What did I do? Then I thought, what did Zero do this time? But that wasn't important now, I could talk to him later.

Yuki had gone over and sat down with Kaname. Obviously, this situation didn't affect Zero and I, so we stood out of the way, hidden behind the walls.

"Serrie, how are you feeling? You might need new stitches, I'm not that great as a medical doctor." Zero asked, playing with a few strands of my hair.

"You gave me stitches? But why would you do something like that? You know nothing about taking care of a patient like that."

"Because otherwise, you would bleed out and die. So you should really be thanking me." He said.

"I'm grateful, to know someone like you, Zero. You've saved my life so many times, and I'm always relying on you, but what if one day, you can't save me?"

"You're perfectly capable of saving yourself, Serrie. You have a strong character that many people admire. It's maybe even your most attractive quality." He told me.

"Really? I didn't think so."

"Well, that and your looks. Your eyes are beautiful. And your long hair is just so silky and perfect. But you are pretty short to me."

"I'm not that short! Yuki's way shorter. But, do you really think those things about me?" I asked, feeling a blush.

"Yes I do. And I'll bet a million other guys think the same thing."

I couldn't help but blush and just smile. And in that instant, I felt like a normal Japanese girl in high school who was in love with her best friend. And I liked it that way, because I knew my best friend loved me back. But we just weren't ready to be together now.

"Did I ever tell you about your eyes? They are so hypnotizing, and have such a unique colour that it's difficult not to look into them."

"So, what you're trying to say is that I'm attractive."

"Well, yeah, you are so h-"

I bit my tongue and hoped to God that Zero hadn't realized what I was trying to say. It would just be way too weird for us, and the way I was speaking was in itself just plain weird for me. I spoke like a valley girl just then. I then rethought of what I should say and I found a better answer.

"Yes, you and your brother both, are very attractive."

"Considering we look exactly alike, I don't see why not. And you're not so bad yourself, and I even heard you made the top 10 list."

"Yeah, I did. I made the list, so that's my achievement for the day."

"Well, I have to change the subject now, before I forget. Serrie, I found the same book you were reading in the archives and I know that finding that woman means everything to you, so I have it for you."

"You stole that book from the Vampire Hunter Association? Zero, that is completely criminal-like behaviour! But it's also kind of sweet as well. Thanks so much."

Zero handed me the book and I hid it in with my other schoolbooks. With no escape from Vampires or Vampire Hunters, I had to be discreet in almost everything I did.

I'll also show you a sweet dream... Next night.

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