Part Five: The Truth and Confrontations

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"Serena! Something came in the mail for you. But there's no sender."

Suki came into our room, holding a large rectangular box. There was no card, and it was unwrapped. I took it and opened it on my bed. Inside was an ivory dress with short sleeves and and around the waist was a red band wrapped to make the dress have figure. It looked youthful and fun, but yet so mature and elegant. This was the dress I was going to wear.

I put it on and found a pair of small white heels to match the dress and then with Suki's help, I put on light pink lipstick, a bit of blush and I straightened and neated my hair to perfection.

"You look beautiful, Sasaki-san."

I did. I was pretty impressed with myself to look so dolled-up. Suki had to finish getting ready, and it would take a while, so I left alone.

Behind the doors, I could hear the music and laughter. But I couldn't do it. I just wasn't cut out for this kind of thing. What would people say? No one had ever seen me dressed up before. In fact, not even Zero.

I took two deep breaths and closed my eyes as I pushed open the doors to the beautifully decorated ballroom. As soon as I entered, everyone stopped and stared. Even the guys looked at me. I nervously walked through the crowd as I reached the end of room where Zero was standing.

I wasn't sure if he did something different, but he looked even more handsome than usual. He looked up at me and his eyes widened with surprise.

"Serrie? You look beautiful. And the dress, you actually wore it."

Zero had sent the dress? Well, he had pretty good taste then. And even though I had a dozen compliments about how I was beautiful, the one comment that meant the most was Zero's.

"The dress is gorgeous. Thank you, Zero. I'm still a little surprised that you came."

"I could say the same. But I originally came here with high hopes."

I saw Zero look off into the distance, where he watched Yuki dancing with Kaname. In my opinion, Yuki's dress was alright, but not the best. But I now knew who Zero truly loved. Yuki. He wanted to dance with Yuki. I felt my whole body drop suddenly and small tears started to form. I came here to dance with Zero. But he wanted to dance with Yuki.

"I'm sorry, Serrie. I guess Kaname really does like Yuki."

"What do you mean?"

"You love Kaname. But he doesn't seem to return the feelings."

"I don't like Kaname. I sort of hate him, actually. Who told you that?"

"Yuki. She told me."

"Well, she's wrong. She loves Kaname. And I know who I love."


"No one. I already know they don't love me back. Like you said, we came here with high hopes."

Zero's grew sympathetic and he held me close. I heard people behind us gasp and whisper. Seriously people? Get over it.

"Serena, I love Yuki. But she's my best friend. I love you too as well. But you've already been my best friend. Now, you're different."

A small light sparked in my chest. Did he really just say that? My high hopes had been crushed but were now being built back up. I released from his grip and I looked to his eyes that were true and calm.

"So you love me?"

"Yes. I do. But my heart holds more than one. You have to understand."

"I do. My heart also holds others. Zero, as a child, I loved you and your brother both."

The music began to play and everyone was dancing together. Except for Zero and I. Zero held out his hand for me, and I nervously took it.

"I've never danced before."

"Neither have I. So we can do it wrong together."

We held each other close and I felt his warmth against my skin. I closed my eyes and followed his every step. My head leaning against his shoulder. I allowed myself to enjoy this perfect moment.

As the music ended, I felt Zero let go of me suddenly and I almost fell back but regained focus.

"Zero? What's wrong?"

"Something isn't right."

"What do you mean?"

"That Vampire that killed my family. She's here. And so is Ichiru."

Shizuka Hio. She was the Vampire we saw when we were playing outside on my birthday. Ichiru seemed to have almost fell in love with her. But she was a nightmare. A cold beauty with the heart of revenge and torture. She made Zero a Vampire. But Ichiru? I thought he was dead after all this time.

"Zero. Where is Ichiru? I want to see him."

"No. He's changed. He's with her now."

Zero ran away and went to where Kaname was standing alone. Where had Yuki gone? Strangely, it all fell into place. The new girl in the Night Class that arrived about two weeks ago. Maria Kurenai was vaguely familiar to Shizuka. Her voice as well. It gave me chills. I watched as Zero jumped over the ledge and Kaname watched. He really ticked me off.

I ran after him, but Kaname blocked me as I approached the doors to outside.

"Kaname let me through! I have to help Zero!"

"There is no need, Serena. He will alright."

"Why should I listen to you? You don't even care about Zero. But I do. All you ever want is for Yuki to be safe. But she's tired of it! So stop treating her like a baby! And the world doesn't revolve around you!"

"I know what's right for Yuki. And you have no business in Vampires."

Now I was really fired up. If Kaname was really trying to annoy me, he succeeded. But I was going to help Zero. No matter what.

"Kaname Kuran, I find no interest in you Vampires. Your kind disgusts me. And you don't know anything about me. You may be a pure blood, but you're just another Vampire!"

"Is Zero just another Vampire?"

I pulled out my gun from under my dress and fired at Kaname. No one was looking, thank goodness, but I had to get past him and I was burning mad. A bloody stain formed on his shoulder. As it began healing, I jumped off the ledge and into the trees.

I tried to think, where would Zero go? Where would Shizuka be? The Moon dormitories. Where Maria would be. I ran as fast as I could and I finally reached the dorm. Before I went any farther, I took off my heels as it would be impossible to go any further in them. I tied up my hair with my blue ribbon into a high ponytail and I went up the stairs to where I heard conversation. Yuki and Maria? Or Yuki and Shizuka?

I then heard someone coming up the steps behind me. Zero? I turned around I saw him. When he reached the top, he was surprised to me as well as I was. I thought he had come before me.

"Serena? What are you doing here? How did you get here so fast?"

"Not sure. I just bounced in the trees."

"Oh, that explains it. I ran here. But you have to leave. It's not safe."

"Zero. I just shot Kaname for you, so I think I'm staying."

Zero was pretty taken aback. I guess he never really thought of em as the type to really fight.

"Then I guess we're going in as a team. Like back then."

"Like back then. Let's go."

I heard a loud bang coming from inside and we both knew it was Yuki. Zero opened the door and we saw Maria passed out on the couch and Shizuka sitting by her. With Yuki as the prisoner. Shizuka had been borrowing Maria's body. But now she was back. And we had to kill her or we would die.

I'll also show you a sweet dream... Next night.

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