Part Six: Reconcile and Disappear

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I then heard someone coming up the steps behind me. Zero? I turned around I saw him. When he reached the top, he was surprised to me as well as I was. I thought he had come before me.

"Serena? What are you doing here? How did you get here so fast?"

"Not sure. I just bounced in the trees."

"Oh, that explains it. I ran here. But you have to leave. It's not safe."

"Zero. I just shot Kaname for you, so I think I'm staying."

Zero was pretty taken aback. I guess he never really thought of me as the type to really fight.

"Then I guess we're going in as a team. Like back then."

"Like back then. Let's go."

I heard a loud bang coming from inside and we both knew it was Yuki. Zero opened the door and we saw Maria passed out on the couch and Shizuka sitting by her. With Yuki as the prisoner. Shizuka had been borrowing Maria's body. But now she was back. And we had to kill her or we would die.

Yuki brought out her Artemis and blocked Zero from approaching Shizuka. I stood from behind him, watching. It was obvious that Shizuka knew or had something that was to our benefit, hence Yuki protecting her.

"Zero, this woman knows how to save your life! I'm doing this for you, so back away!"

"Yuki, why would you even trust her? She killed my family!"

Yuki's eyes lit up and I was a bit confused. How did she not know who killed Zero's family? Was he that private?

"And here I let you live. But you've grown to be such a handsome young boy."

"Shizuka let Yuki go! She has no part in any this."

"Zero. I'm trying to help!"

"Go ahead, Zero. Try to pull the trigger."

Zero held his gun, the Bloody Rose in his hand. But it wasn't firm. He was hesitating. He couldn't do it because he shared a blood bond with Shizuka. He brought down his gun and shot it at his leg.


A severe wound formed and blood was dripping down. I grabbed the gun from Zero and shot Shizuka in the torso and a wound bigger than Zero's formed. She laughed maniacally and grabbed me and held my face tightly.

"I remember a girl from years ago. She was friends with the Kiryu family. She looked a lot like you. But I could tell that she was cursed into a life of blood. Didn't her father die some years ago?"

"Don't even try Shizuka!"

"Shizuka, let Serena go! This is our fight!"

Shizuka dropped me and walked past Zero and left the room. In came a figure that almost seemed to be Zero. But it wasn't. Yuki was completely out of the clear. Her past was far more secured than ours. And unfortunately, I knew who the figure was.

"Zero? Who is that?"

"Tell her, Zero. Tell her who I am."

Zero tore of his mask and his face was a mirror reflection of Zero's. His hair was longer, but he was the exact same. Except for his smaller size.

"He is my twin brother."


Without thinking, I ran and hugged Ichiru. It had been so long since I had last seen him and although it was absolutely stupid of me to be doing this. I couldn't help myself. Along with Zero, he looked after me. Ichiru looked at my face for a moment and realized who I was.

"Serrie? What happened to you?"

"I could ask the same. You turned your back on your family, your own brother!"

Ichiru threw me to the wall and Yuki ran to my side. Shizuka had done something to him. Where was the fragile and loving boy I once knew and loved. Zero attacked Ichiru and the two began in a fight. I couldn't understand what I saw. They hated each other. When they never did before. I ran in between them and they stopped clashing.

"What do you both hope to achieve? Killing one another? You're both a part of a whole. Why take away half? Who would ever fill it in?"

"Serena, this is only a matter of what I have to do. My feelings are eliminated."

"Really Zero? Then why did you only attack me when I threw our Serrie?"

"She isn't yours, Ichiru. And you never call her that again!"

"I don't belong to anyone and Zero, I love Ichiru. Together, you both raised me."

"Serrie, Zero just wants you to himself. Don't be so blind in this matter."

"Shut up! Like you wouldn't want the same."

The two started fighting again and this time I backed away, Yuki stood near the wall and watched in horror as to seeing the three of us relive our history. Ichiru had Zero on the ground and held his sword to his throat. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't hurt either one. Ichiru looked to me and his eyes were filled with hate and angry passion.

"Tell me Serrie. How many times has Zero sucked your blood? Or are you his occasional indulgence?"

"I would never drink her blood!"

"Have you found Zero trying to kill himself yet?"

"Zero isn't like you! You're weak and you always have been!"

"What did you say?"

"Serena, take Yuki and get away from here. Now!"

"I said, Ichiru, that you are weak. You always have to rely on others."

"You should take that back."

"Why should I? It's the truth."

"Is killing my own brother what it takes to prove I'm not weak?"

"It shows you are. You're giving in to your hate."

"Serena. Shoot him. Use your gun and kill him."

"You be quiet, Zero!"

A loud thud came from across the hall. I almost felt the impact on the floor.


Ichiru stood up and left the room in a hurry. I couldn't believe it. Ichiru wasn't Ichiru. He was someone else. Or was the boy I knew someone else? And this was the real Ichiru? I couldn't really figure that out in the moment. I went over to Zero's side and Yuki joined me. She had been so quiet this entire time.

"Zero. Does it hurt?"

"Not that much anymore."

I helped Zero up and we heard Ichiru screaming. It was Shizuka. We ran across the hall, but at the door to the room, Zero stopped us.

"I can't let you risk yourselves anymore. I have to do this alone."

"I trust you."

Zero went inside and we stayed outside. In complete silence. Then we heard something. A range of noises. I ran inside and nothing was there. Ichiru, Shizuka and Zero were gone. Only Headmaster Cross stood near the window.

"Serena? What are you doing?"

"Where did you take Zero?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Headmaster, it's alright. Serena knows. She's friends with Zero."

"Then I guess she knows what happens when a Vampire like Zero comes near too much blood."

I'll also show you a sweet dream... Next night.

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