Part Twenty: Mediator Or The Reason For The Rivalry?

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When Kaname finally let Yuki go, Zero and I walked beside each other, close together but away from Yuki. It wasn't intentional, but it was like magnets. We were just pulled into our places. The only awkward thing was the silence. But then, Zero broke the ice and I was much more comfortable.

"Are you alright, Yuki?"

"Well, yes, although I still feel like he avoided the subject again. I'm sorry that you two had to come along."

"It's fine. I had the company of Serena, and I've never found her boring. But please, remember what I told you. That you will never become a Vampire, because I won't let you. This goes for both of you, especially Serena. I would die if I had to see you as a monster."

Behind Zero, the Headmaster had opened the door. Full with a warm smile, like usual. And behind him, through the door, I saw Zero's twin.

"Hello, Serrie. How was your date with Zero?" He asked.

"It was actually a date between Yuki and Kaname, for your information." Zero corrected, obviously annoyed.

"Well, come on, you two. There shouldn't be an issue if Ichiru is here. After all, he's Zero's twin, and Serena's childhood friend." Yuki pushed us both through the door, and I immediately retreated into my room until dinner was ready.

The Headmaster just had to do the unforgivable. Inviting Ichiru for dinner, which I already knew wouldn't work out. Because one of them would say something and then they both would kill each other on the spot. But at least the Headmaster would actually get an idea of what the twins' relationship was like.

As I waited for dinner to be ready, I flipped through the pages of the book that Zero gave me, and I found the spot where I left had originally left off. The tall woman with the white hair that flowed in the wind and the bloody eyes. She was a Pureblood, and a Vampire that had fallen away from the family tree. She apparently went by three common names, as she had the ability to morph between different appearances. All of them were alike, but still different. Her real name was Kari Shirokuro, her other two names were Muzai Aka and Midori Muzai.

She hasn't been seen since about 5 years ago, and she is on the top of the Hunter's list. All this information was incredibly overwhelming and exciting to finally know. At last, I finally knew who killed my father. I knew who to hunt for. I wouldn't be able to tell Zero yet, but if we survived through dinner then I would tell him later tonight.

I had left my room, and sat down at the table between the twins who were both sitting so close to me, I thought that I would have an overwhelming anxiety attack, followed by a lifetime of claustrophobia to put it bluntly.. But if I didn't sit between them, then they would engage in a cat fight worse than the average stiletto-wearing socialites. As Yuki came and brought drinks in, I had a feeling of the whole silence falling out. But not breaking for the good side.

"Wow, you two really are identical. It's amazing how you look so alike, that I would preferably think of you as the same person."

"Actually, they are a form of the same person. Identical twins are created from the exact same egg while in the womb, until they split." I explained.

"I wasn't thinking of that kind of similarity, Serena. But it's like when I thought Ichiru was Zero in the infirmary. Even Serena was convinced, but then he did slap her."

Thank you so much, Yuki. Now, Zero was officially pissed off and we didn't even get five minutes into a normal conversation. Zero's pale skin turned a bright shade of ruby and my cheeks went mad with ruby as well. Ichiru actually looked a little scared. That was surprising, personally.

"Ichiru, you slapped Serena?! What else were you planning to do? Steal her away from this academy and ship her off as a slave to Vampires? And what about Yuki? What could you have possibly thought of doing to her?"

Now Zero was on a rampage. It was one thing for Ichiru to bother one of us, but when he bothered me and Yuki at once, Zero was a little more than a demon with his attitude.

"It's alright, Zero. Besides slapping me, Ichiru didn't do much."

Right behind us, the Headmaster came in and I have this one thing to say to that. Really? Now you come? Why didn't you just bring dinner the first time round? It seemed to me that all Cross' were like this. Or at least, every Vampire lover out there. I wasn't exactly a best friend of the Vampires, but I was an ally at least. Ichiru got up and walked over right next to me, and Zero was ready to make a kill any second.

"I'm leaving, it's no use, Serrie. It's too late. Zero and I are never going to get along, but I hope that you and I still have some bliss together."

As he left, I just stood and shook my head in disappointment. I know they love each other greatly, but why did they have to act like this? It was crazy and stupid. But then, the Headmaster got upset from the fact that his food wouldn't be eaten. When I saw what it is, I was just stunned by the convenience. It was vegetable soup. That was Zero's favourite, always had been and always will be.

I'll also show you a sweet dream... Next night.

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