Chapter 2

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"Tessa.." she could hear the distant whispers of someone calling her name. She could feel the chill of the night air. "Tessa, I need you.." only whispers. Who could be calling her? She could see someone up ahead in the dark mist of clouds. She felt the fear that this person felt. Who was it? Now she was close, 10 more steps and she could see who was calling her.

"Tessa! Wake the fuck up!" And just like that, her bestfriend woke her up from her dream.

Tessarina was so startled by her bestfriend's stupid voice that she dropped the book she had been reading before dozing off and then fell off the chair with it.

"Mika really? What the hell do you want!? I was having a weird dream.." She thought about what the dream meant. Who could be lost and in need of her?..

No one. She was being stupid. She shook her head to wake up and to stop thinking like a creepy fortune teller.

"Sorry what did you say?" apparently Mikahela had been giving her the reason for her rude awakening while she was daydreaming. She also realized it was dark out now. Wondering how long she'd been asleep.

"I was saying that I made food, my mom's famous Peruvian dish. And I was wondering who your new neighbors are? Their kind of hot! And I say kind of because all I saw was their backs, and even that was hot." Mikahela fanned herself as if she was affected by heat and was staring at Tessarina with star-struck eyes like she'd seen a supermodel with 10-pack abs.

"Mika relax, your imagining things. Only Mr. Johanson lives on this street as a permanent resident. You know the 80 year old guy that has the hots for my mom?" Poor old man had lived on their street for years. Sometimes Tessarina's mom, Greta would go check in on him to make sure the man was still breathing. And even then when Greta Dominguez was trying to be a kind woman, and not the hypocritical one she always was the old man tried hitting on her! She couldn't stand when he was trying to be a creep. Nowadays she just sent food over with the delivery man. As long as the old man collected the food it was safe to say he was okay.

"God no Tessa! I'm not talking about him!" She was looking at Tessarina like she's grown another head.

"I don't mean Mr. Johanson from down the street. I mean literally right next door. There's some guys moving things in from a big moving truck!?" Mikahela continued.

"What? really?" Now Tessarina was really curious about who was supposedly moving in next door. There hadn't been any permanent residents for years. There's only ever been renters. People who rent the homes out for a few days up to a few weeks, but never a permanent move with moving trucks and all.

She wondered what her new neighbors would be like? As creepy as Mr. Johanson? Or something else?


~ Three hours earlier; LAX Airport ~

Walking off the plane and out of the airport wasn't exciting at all. It was just like the airport in Madrid, orderly and with a well conducted system. But the second Santiago walked out of the airport and into the open Los Angeles air with his brothers and father it was a whole different ball game.

It was weird because even the air felt different. It felt more crisp, more alive. More cold, the night air came with a cold breeze. Everything was in English, lights were flashing, cars zooming by. In Madrid everyone walks everywhere, there are hardly any cars and everything is more relaxed. It wasn't completely crazy everywhere though, there was still SoCal traffic, which really dragged on. They had a long ride from the airport until they got to their new house.


For Santiago the ranch house in which he grew up in was and would always be home. He loved the smell of the grape vines, the smell of the horses hay, and how those smells alone affected the air. How all he could see for miles was mountains and trees when he would go horseback riding. He would especially miss the 10 foot tall cherry orchard he would wake up to see outside his bedroom window every morning.

But as he walked up to his family's new house on the beach, he new he would like it.

It was enchanting. Floor to ceiling glass windows adorned the whole house. And detailed with a beautiful smoky orange wood. White rooms, white furniture, wooden floors. It was a dream house.

"Well, well Dad. You know how to pick em don't you?" Santiago said to his dad admiring the house.

"Of course I do mijo" he said to him, then he turned to look at all 3 boys and said,

"Aquest serà el nostre nova llar."

"This is our new home? Dad really? Please don't be cheesy." Mickol said to him incredulously, trying not to offend his dad at the same time.

"Mickol give him a break." Angelo said to him while unloading some stuff out of the mover's truck. "This is a big move for all of us."

"Well I'm glad we moved." Mickol said sarcastically, "It's not exactly ideal to move to a different continent, but what the hell right? We gotta learn to live the California dream."

He made quotation marks in the air when he said "California dream". He wasn't exactly happy about the move. He was the middle child and had been through plenty of crap at school. Technically he was supposed to start his junior year of highschool a few weeks ago, but school here doesn't start for another 2 months. Apparently they got here just in time for the start of summer. He also left a boyfriend behind, Sam. That was especially hard for him. But the move was necessary, so just like that the Sorrento's dropped everything and moved into this beautiful house.

"Pops we get it. This is where we're living and we have to try and make it feel like home," Santiago spoke, "you just have to give us some time."

Then he picked up a couple of boxes and walked towards the house again, but before he got in he called out towards his brothers, "Come on guys what the hell are you doing? Get the things inside the house." He reprimanded them but not harshly, just like an older brother is supposed to do.

"Thanks boys, you do that. I'm gonna go take a walk on the beach." Alvaro said in the direction of his sons unpacking the heavy boxes. "See, I can say that now. Before what was I gonna say? 'I'm gonna take a walk on the mountains near the ranch?' I don't think so." He chuckled at the thought of taking a "walk" back home.

"Yeah, yeah dad, we get it." Mickol said to him while unloading more boxes.


Santiago walked outside to get the last of the boxes. By now it was late and the sun was almost down. It was actually really beautiful to see, a sunset on the beach. He'd never actually seen one, he'd been to plenty of beaches but this view was simplémént béll.

Simply beautiful. The orange and the yellow reflecting off the blue water. The mix of colors was mesmerizing. The last of the birds soaring across the water. The gentle breeze, and sound of the waves. In that moment he thought he could get used to life here.

Then he turned towards the house to go get his camera to fully capture the moment, but then he saw someone. Actually two people trying to act like they hadn't been staring in his direction. A brunette and a blonde.


Was it any good?

The picture is of LAX airport and the new Sorrento house.

Soooo.. I tried to make this long. And thank you to those who wanted to give me tips and what not. It's always appreciate it, I need constructive criticism.

And also one of my readers ( yay! I get to say readers now😁) mentioned this.

But just so I put it out there... I try to reread over what I write BUT I will NOT be editing this story until I am completely finished with it.

Alrighty I'm done ranting, hope you guys liked it. Please vote! And my usual routine is that as soon as I post a chapter I start to write the new one. When the next will be posted I have no idea. That depends on reads and votes. Please spread the word about my story! Thanks a bunch.

-xoxo Mflowerss

xD😂 (I'm a lame person.)

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