Chapter 9

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\\The boys wearing their white clothes\\

After looking for a whole 25 minutes for Mikahela, Tessarina started to get worried. Santiago stood close by continuing to ask questions that Tessarina thought were ridiculous. His next question irritated her and killed her buzz. "Couldn't she just have left you and gone back home? No offense." No offense? She was offended on her bestfriend's behalf.

"No. She wouldn't ditch me." Tessarina stated, "You don't have to help me."

"I didn't mean to come off impatient, I said I would help and here I am." Strangely he didn't seem to have an ulterior motive, and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Well.. Good," she smiled, " because that little shit is around here somewhere." Songs continued to play and Tessarina continued to hum to try and keep herself from freaking out. Honestly she was considering the worst case scenario. Like at the moment, she was wondering if in the middle of these wooded mountains Mika had gotten kidnapped by aliens and was currently being brain washed to hate every cute thing in the world, including puppies! Tessarina shuddered, she was being ridiculous again.. And then she stopped all of a sudden, with Santiago almost shoving into her. "Hey, what is it?"

"That song.."

"Yeah? What about it?" Santiago stared, blankly at her confused.

Then Tessarina started to walk quickly and swiftly through the crowd of sweaty people doing what they would call dancing. Well at least she tried to move quickly, the more she pushed the more her drunken classmates tried to shove. Santiago still trailed behind her, throwing a menacing glare at anyone who shoved either of them too hard.

"Tessarina, slow down. Where are you going?"

"DJ!" She shouted, "The song, it's Mikahela's favorite!" The closer they got to the speakers where the music was originating from, the louder she had to be for Santiago to hear her.

The DJ's speakers were pumping to a loud song with a grinding tempo. Mikahela's favorite song at the moment was, Niggas by Kehlani Parrish. And if she was at a party she wouldn't dance like Tessa knew she could, no she would
dance like it was no one's business. With her hair here and there, hips and ašs all over the place, probably grinding in to the nearest guy. And that's exactly how Tessarina found her, hips, äss, and hair everywhere, but she was all by herself.

It was actually hilarious. Mikahela was always one of those people whose liquor would go straight to their head. Meaning even if she would have had only one drink, she'd still be acting drunk as a duck.

"Mikahela." Tessarina whispered to her in a sing-song voice. Mika jumped out of her skin and vanished into thin air like a non-smelling fart.

"What the hell! You scared the shit out of me you creep!" Mikahela glared.

"Just trying to get your attention loser." Tessarina laughed, which had Santiago staring at her. He thought her laugh was really cute and bubbly, like a baby's laugh. But not so much babyish, because she's not a baby. Obviously. Plus she'd probably get offended if he told her that.

"Don't ever do that again! Now what do you want? Can't you see I'm-" she noticed Santiago standing there, waiting patiently behind Tessarina and she said, "Hey, it's Lover Boy!"

"Mikahela.." Tessarina complained and put her forefinger and thumb to her temples. "Please don't start."

Santiago chuckled, "Its okay, she's being herself. Right M-.." then he stopped all of a sudden. He could have sworn he knew her name five minutes ago and now he just came up blank. The girls started to stare at him, waiting for him to continue.

Then Mikahela laughed, "Its okay If you don't remember my name, why do you think I keep calling you Loverboy?' Santiago just stared surprised she had forgotten his name too. "By the way, my name is Mikahela. You can call me Mika, but that you better remember or else ill be annoyed." she warned him then smiled.

"Yeah, of course Mika," Santiago smiled and turned to Tessarina. "So.. should we go get my brothers?"

"There are other humans here that look like you and that someone didn't already call dibs on?" Mikahela butted in and asked.

Then Tessarina smacked her on her arm,"You said that out loud!" and whisper-yelled in Mikahela's ear.

"Well sorry I didn't know it wasn't obvious..." Mikahela said causing Tessarina to face palm herself. "And don't hit me!" Mikahela whisper-yelled back at her.

Santiago chuckled loudly, "Yeah I guess so."

Ten minutes later, after getting Mikahela another drink and Tessa getting something to munch on, Santiago and the girls were inside the house talking to Mickol and Angelo.

"Well these are my so-called brothers.." Santiago pointed at them, "Mickol the middle child, and my youngest brother Angelo."

"Hey you guys are pretty cute!" Mikahela said a little less sloppy than before after eating something.

"What she means is, you guys are matching, that's adorable." Tessarina teased them.

"Well we wouldn't look so dumb if we were actually out in the party lights." Mickol mumbled begrudgingly.

"Mickol.." Santiago's tone came out harsh and sounded menacing.

"Well we don't mean to keep you here." Mikahela and Tessarina said in unison slightly defensive.

Angelo chuckled, "What he means is, our outfits were meant for the party, shall we head back outside?"

"You're the smart one aren't ya?" Mikahela smirked.

"If you want me to be," Angelo wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"In your dreams little one" Mikahela scoffed.

Angelo walked away towards the door and was muttering begrudgingly in a language that for sure wasn't English to Mikahela. Maybe Spanish? She'd have to ask Tessa because the only other language Mika knew was sign language.

Ugh my chapters are getting crappy. Oh wellz. Im actually trilingual, Spanish, English, and ASL. The Catalan in my story is google translate. So the grammar is probably completely wrong😅

Ps. Gonna try to make longer chapters.. Key word TRY.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2015 ⏰

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