Chapter 8

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The party was huge, to say the least. Tessarina distinctly remembered Santiago saying this was a laid back, last minute get together. Not a disco ball, outdoor, DJ, and all house party. It had been a half hour drive from the coast to the party, which was up in the mountains. On the ride over Tessarina was somewhat antsy to get to see her neighbor more closely, while Mikahela was antsy to see if there would be any cute guys at the party.

"Are you ready girl?!" Mikahela said with excitement in her voice, "I would just ditch you, but you're the one who got invited."

"Haha very funny, you wish you wanted to ditch me." Tessarina replied, her tone laced with sarcasm.

"Okay okay, let's go I wanna see who's at this thing! The faster we walk the faster you see Lover Boy." Mika smirked, and Tessa smacked her.

"Please don't be annoying when we're around other people."

"Whatever do you mean?" Mikahela feigned innocence.

"Mikahela!" Tessa warned.

"Okay jeez! Relax mom."

The girls reached the top of the hill and were looking down at the party grounds. It could honestly only be described as fun. It was already dark out so when they saw the glow in the dark paint, the glow sticks, the bright neon drinks, the bright lights of the DJ set up, they were ecstatic.

"Do you think she'll bring a friend?"

"Really Angelo? I don't know, I just met the girl." Santiago rolled his eyes, "but she did have a cute little blonde friend." then smirked at his little brother.

"Really? You think she'll be into me?" Angelo stood up and pointed to his biceps, "You think she'll be into these guns?"

Santiago laughed so hard he thought his lungs would explode.

"What are you guys doing?" Mickol walked into a room with a pouting Angelo and a hysteric Santiago. "And where's your white? There are tons of people here, you guys need to get out there already!"

By white he meant the all white outfits they'd decided on wearing. Considering the bright lights, the glow paint, the glow sticks, and glow in the dark everything else, they figured white would be best to show off the rest of the color.

Santiago continued to laugh hysterically, "He thinks.. That... He has.. Guns!" He managed to say through each laugh.

"I don't think, I know." Angelo said and kissed his biceps.

Mickol chuckled, "Well you guys are really entertaining and all, but I'm not gonna be the only one out there. Plus your girl just got here."

Santiago immediately stopped laughing. "She's here? How do you know it's her?"

"You described her well. You sound a little shocked, thought she wasn't gonna show up?" Mickol teased.

"Did she bring a friend?" Angelo asked with a hopeful tone.


Tessarina checked her phone and saw that it was 10pm on the dot, and the party was in full swing. The first thing she noticed was the people. Nearly every face she saw, she recognized, they were all from school. She wondered how the hell the brand new kids who hadn't even gone to their first day at Zuma B High managed to invite all these people. The first thing Mikahela noticed was the bar, everything from soda to neon colored Absolut Vodka.

"OMG! They have margarita glasses laced with neon pink salt! Ooh and they have that lemonade with the minimum percentage of alcohol that you love!"

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