7) Phobia Factor

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Cerberus POV - Katie Eliminated
My team, slowly, walked to the campfire. The Killer Bass were there in complete silence.


Sadie was crying while hold a piece of the Docks of Shame. Some of the Bass looked at Bridgette who was there when Katie was taken off the island.

"It was a long goodbye," She sighed in response to their glances.

We walked closer to the fire and their team glared at us.

"What do you guys want? Come by to rub it in?" Courtney asked in her normal, sassy tone.

"We got you some extra dessert after our tuck shop party. Thought you might want some," Trent smiled, happily.

"So what? You're just being... Nice?"

"No. Owen stunk up the whole cabin with his disgusting farts," i sighed, slouching.

"You look deader than usual, Sunshine," Duncan smirked.

"If you couldn't tell by my pajamas, I was asleep. I would be dead if Cody didn't wake me up," I shrugged, sitting on the ground and rubbing my eyes.

"Yeah, we're only here because we need some time to air out," Gwen said, rolling her eyes.

"Eww. Dude," Trent exclaimed in response to Owen's random fart.

Beth walked over to Courtney. She held up some green Jello with a candy worm in it.

"No!...I mean, no thanks. I'm good," Courtney said, quickly.

"What, are you on a diet or something?" Duncan asked.

"No! I just don't like green jelly, okay?"

Beth walked over to DJ and Duncan next. She offered it to DJ and he responsed with,

"Snake!" Then, he slapped the jello on the floor with a splat.

"Chill, dude. It's just a gummy worm," Cody smiled, picking it up.

"Sorry for trippin'. Snakes just freak me out."

"I feel you. Chickens give me the creeps, dude," Tyler said.

"You're afraid of chickens?!" Gwen asked.

"Pff, wimp....I said that out loud, didn't I?" I added, smiling.

"Wow, that's... That's really lame, man," Duncan sneered.

Static - Confessional
"I guess this is how tonight is going. Everyone just started sharing all of their fears and whatnot. Beth kept talking about her fear of being covered in bugs. Harold is afraid of ninjas. I'm, honestly, most shocked that Heather is scared of sumo wrestlers."
Static - End

"What's my worst fear? I guess being buried alive," Gwen added.

"Walking through a minefield. In heels," Lindsay said.

"Flying, man. That's some crazy stuff," Owen said.

"Hah. I would never go up in a plane. Never!" Izzy exclaimed.

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