Love Hurts And Loves More

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Apple Bloom begin tearing up as she block espios ninja stars and vectors pounce attack following it up by block charmys stinger, eventually bunga pushed them all back with his stink attack and use his shield to block vectors fire attack

Cream use blizzard on charmy to freeze him before proceeding to to use thunder to zap him before ending it with a fire move as bunga block vectors mouth as bokkun use his bokkun kick to send vector backwards and cream quickly trip him pushing him towards charmy with a thud knocking the two out

Espio was the hardest to attack as he used his ninja skills to dodge apple blooms keyblade and her friends attack as he threw a bunch of ninjas stars at the others eventuakky trapping bunga and cream with the ninja stars as tuffy hid behind a chair a bit 

Bokkun tried helping Apple Bloom and use his bokkun kick on espio only for espio to turn invisable and cause the cyborg to crash into the wall before striking him down before turning to apple bloom who look upset over having to fight her belove as his ninja star on one hand strike connected with apple blooms keyblade

Apple Bloom: "come on espio let me win this i don't want to accidently kill you!!" she tried hard as does he to tried to push the other back as eevee watch and decided to help by using iron tail to stop the stand off which push both back and accidently activated burmys pokeball summoning the bug type pokemon

Burmy was confuse as Eevee explain to him whats gonna on as Apple Bloom was push into the wall by Espio's kick and was cormer trying to block all of espio ninja stars when suddenly Espio was hit by a hidden power attack by his burmy who distracted him long enough for apple bloom to swing as hard as she could to cause her boyfriend to crash into the wall knocked out as vector and charmy woke up back to normal

Charmy: "ugh i couldn't get those teen's song out of my bee head oh it buzz me off"

Vector: "ow! charmy will you stop making bee puns"

Charmy: "why am i bugging you?" a death glare from the gator cause him to shut up and nodded nervously "okay okay i'll stop"

Vector: "can someone explain to me what going on?"

Apple Bloom rush over to Espio checking to see if he was okay or not holding him near her and kiss him tears coming from her eyes as it hurted her for hurting him very badly in order to set him free from the mind control spell he was given

Apple Bloom: (stop kissing him and shown concern) "espio?" lucky for her Espio begin waking up rubbing his head a bit and groaning a bit "ESPIO!" she hug him tight a bit before softing a bit once she realize he was still hurt "oops sorry!"

Espio: "ugh its fine just need to rest uh thanks i needed that by the way" he notice his burmy jumping up and down excitedly "and you too burmy your braverly really pay off"

Burmy begin jumping up and now more excited before he proceeded to glow shocking everyone present as he evolve into a mothim before their own eyes, Espio quickly pull out his pokedex to scan his newly evolve pokemon

Pokedex: "Mothim the bug and flying type pokemon and the evolve form of mothim only males evolve into this pokemon and It loves the honey of flowers, It flutters around at night and steals honey collected by Combee from their hives

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Pokedex: "Mothim the bug and flying type pokemon and the evolve form of mothim only males evolve into this pokemon and It loves the honey of flowers, It flutters around at night and steals honey collected by Combee from their hives."

Espio: "wow mothim i'm impress that you evolve you must've been highly level by the time i caught you" mothim nodded his head happily as Vector approach them

Vector: "excuse uh can you guys please tell me whats going on"

Apple Bloom: "those dazzlings brainwash you guys and me and bokkun are trying to stop it by freeing you guys we need to defeat them if we can truly free all the students as fighting them now will just waste time"

Bunga: "they must still be in the prom room or in this case the gym room"

Cream: "we have to stop them before they leave with this army of theirs they have"

Espio: "well lets get a move on as theirs no way we can stop them by just standing here come on lets get going and apple bloom thanks for freeing me"

Apple Bloom: "no problem espio i'll never know what i'll do with my life if something bad truly happen to you" both smile to each other before they snap out of it and headed on out along with the others all unaware a ghost pokemon saw them and smile before proceeding to follow them with intending to help out

My little pony belongs to Hasbro

Pokemon belongs to Nitendo, Game Freak, and Creatures

Sonic belongs to SEGA

Tom and Jerry belongs to Hannah Barbara

Lion Guard belongs to Disney

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