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Apple Bloom was clogging the toilet for her family as it clogged she was depress by her belove worms death and it got worse as she found out none of her family is sad hes gone and are overjoy hes dead, granted she lied about his death as she knew they wouldn't believe her claim that scootaloo ate him

Apple Bloom: phew! [she finish her job and went to bed sadder than ever] why? why did my worm had to be eaten by the girl who thought was my best friend? just why? [she fell asleep and then woke up to some wierded place] where am I?

???????: your at my place my dear keyblade user!

Apple Bloom: Keyblade user? who and where are you? [just then a creature appear in front of her it look like a pony, flying, goat, dragon, lizard hybrid thing] w-w-what are you?!

Discord: i'm Discord the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony who use his seemingly bad powers for good nice to meet you apple bloom

Apple Bloom: how did you know my name and keyblade user? [sticking out her hand that exact sword she use last night appear around her fingers] is this the keyblade?

????: precisely young apple bloom for you are chosen to carry out your grandfathers destiny

????????: and save the five victims and sacrificer with the power of waking

Apple Bloom: [shock to see two alicorns appear they look just like the principals of canterlot high] you look just like principal celestia and vice principal luna

Princess Celestia: yes because we are their pony counterparts we summon you here to show you your destiny apple bloom

Princess Luna: with our help and yours both equestia and the victims will live to see another day again

Apple Bloom: okay so can either of you three explain to me WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON!!??

Discord: allow me to explain it all apple bloom just hold your questions until the end of my tale [with a snap of a finger the backpack, notebook, and 6 pokeballs appear again to apple bloom as discord gives himself a pair of glasses and book to read as the princess's roll their eyes over discords silliness] you see apple bloom years ago the worlds were separated where human, mobians, and pokemon didn't appear together completely until an old friend of my name darksied came to collect a moon call kingdom hearts a heart shape moon that come from the destroy heartless which are any living thing that fell into darkness by a keyblade eventually many heroes sacrifice their lives to stop and imprison him forever however the god monster had a pet snake and pony villain from equestria and leader of an army set on out to free him the pet snake was defeated by your grandfather a keyblade wielder and your smart parents manage to trap the pony's power but all three died in the progress of their actions. During all that happen the world merge with one and another making this the world we all know very well it was during this time 5 deaths happen on the same day by the bullies which cause a strange spell that destroyed equestria while an evil creature known as infinite form an army to take over the world [discord closes the book as apple bloom absorb all she heard]

Apple Bloom: so all that happen years ago and months ago? [the three nodded to her] okay so why me? you know the hero destiny to save the day why me in general?

Princess Celestia: because you are granted the keyblade yourself as the keyblade was pass on down to those it considers worthy it skipped your older siblings who are poison with hatred that they wouldn't had help no matter what

Apple Bloom: [thought what she said and realize she was right her familys hatred over mobians you cause them to denie helping sense one of the 5 victims must be sonic a mobian that was explain to her yesterday] yeah your right princess just one more thing [points at her pokeballs] these?

Princess Luna: you see apple bloom pokemon are being use by the villains and bullies that it creates a shield that protects them from keyblade strikes and only beating them in a pokemon fight will break the shield and then can you strike them, that notebook you are carrying its use so you can keep track on what you do trust me you'll have so much to do your going to need it. Now then any more questions?

Apple Bloom: yeah what can you tell me about those 5 victims, the sacrificer, and the power of waking?

??????: i can tell you about them [a lion appear to the four shocking apple bloom] nice to meet you apple bloom i'm Mufasa

My little pony belongs to Hasbro

Lion Guard belongs to Disney

Kingdom Hearts belongs to Square Enix and Disney

APPLE BLOOM AND THE POWER OF WAKING 7Where stories live. Discover now