Meet Her Lost Girlfriend Again

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At night poor sci twi sparkle was crying in her room as if yesterday wasn't bad enough today was even worse as twilight was trying to live out her day still vowing to bring the true anon a miss to justice to avenge her girlfriends death but even her ex friends are horrible to her even on the weekend. Twilight cried as she remember her day

Flashback Begin

Twilight was walking on the street when she was tripped and fell onto the ground  slowly picking herself she heard evil laugher coming from her ex friends (except for applejack) and wallflower blush (the one who trip her) she glare at them

Sci Twi Sparkle: "can't you guys give me a freakin break!!!??"

Wallflower Blush: (evilly) "not until you finally start accepting that your girlfriend is a dirty traitor and move on i mean when i was at my house crying for all the shit sunset did to me during the anon a miss thing she created i manage to move on and now look at me i'm finally notice" the girls cheer as their eyes glow green when wallflower touched something in her pocket which sci twi notice and was confuse until rainbow dash suddenly kick her hard in the stomach

Rainbow Dash: (growling) "you brought this on yourself nerdy for staying loyal to shitters" sci twi growl in anger she resisted to use her magic to push everybody away as she knows two wrongs don't make a right "just pretend you never dated her like i do to that mobian speedster"

Rarity: (smugly) "look how week you are ugly freak why don't we go to the beach so you an be my chair to sit on you'll look more in place there" she kick twilight hard making her nose bleed

Fluttershy: (cruel) "maybe it'll be best if you bring spike to be put down that way he won't have to suffer dealing with your excistence" twilight had tears once she heard this

Pinkie Pie: (mean) "yeah hey why not we have a party tomorrow celebrating sunset demise again can you see if applejack can come wallflower?"

Wallflower Blush: "sure can do pinkie pie" she turn to twilight "see ya around loser" the girls laugh before spitting of twilight and walking away leaving a outrage nerd behind

Flashback End

Sci Twi Sparkle: (crying) "why are they so cruel to me just because i'm still in love with sunset and still wish i can expose anon a miss the true one so she will be destroy for taking away the one and only true love" spike cuddle next to her

Spike: "stay strong twilight i'm sure one day you can find the true anon a miss and teach your friends or ex friends a powerful lesson on backstabbing you"

Sci Twi Sparkle: "thanks spike i just wish none of this happen, i never got to say goodbye" just then she and spike heard a voice that was very familiar

?????? ??????: "well now its your chance too my love though my death is temporary and can be undone once you listen to what i have to say" the two look around as sunset suddenly appear with white aura surronding her tears in her eyes "hello my love" twilight was speechless as she couldn't believe her girlfriend suddenly appear on her bed but one thing she knew real or fake she just couldn't resist

Sci Twi Sparkle: (tearing up) "sunset shimmer!?" she pounce towards her love and hug sunset very tight crying as along with sunset as discord and princess twilight modified the device to allow the dead to be touch by those who care or feel guilty of there death instead of just seen as twilight sob on sunset shoulders sunset tearfully patting her girlfriends back 

Sunset Shimmer: (tearing up herself) "i miss you too" the two pull back a bit but were very hesitated to let go of each other

Sci Twi Sparkle: (sniffing) "how are you hear i thought you were dead!?"

Sunset Shimmer: "actually i'm sort of am dead but discord save whats left of me and brought me to his place" twilight scratch her head confuse as she never heard of that name "he is a creature call a draconequus and use to be the representation of choas and disharmory but reform" twilight nodded "anyway he brought me to his world where he told me my heart was asleep and needed to be awaken for me to come here permanently  so i'm here temporary for two things only"

Spike: "what are those two things?"

Sunset Shimmer: "first i wanted to see my beloved girlfriend again" she place a hand of twilights cheek

Sci Twi Sparkle: (tearfully smile) "i wanted to see you two sunset"

Sunset Shimmer: "and second i wanted you to go find apple bloom she is the key to waking me up from my lost slumber and by doing so she must expose the killer that did this to me" hearing this shock both spike and twilight

Sci Twi Sparkle: (shock) "killer!? you mean someone killed you"

Spike: (confuse) "but we heard you commited sudicide you died and burn yourself in a cabin somewhere in the forest"

Sunset Shimmer: "no i didn't you see anon a miss texted me and told me to meet her there as i believe i can get answers on why she was ruining my life she texted me to come alone or else thoughs i bring will suffer i didn't want that to happen to you" hearing that shock twilight but understood her reasons of not telling her "so when i arrrive the door was block by something and in no time the whole cabin was in flames with me in it" both spike and twilight were horrified with twilight having tears in her eyes"i was about to died i saw her anon a miss she devour my pet gecko in front of me and laugh as i died" this cause twilight to cried as spike look at the ground angry over what this psychopath did to sunset

Sci Twi Sparkle: (crying) "it must've been that time where anon a miss posted about bragging it was you and you kill yourself to avoid any trouble" sunset look down as she patted her crying girlfriend who finally stopped crying "do you know who this anon a miss was you said you saw her" sunset shook her head

Sunset Shimmer: "wish i knew but i didn't recognize her all i knew was that she had alight greenish gray skin tone, has a long, messy and tangled green hair and has grayish tangelo eyes. She wears a drab brown stripped sweater, plain bluish jean pants and flat, soft shoes without socks " hearing that information shocked twilight

Sci Twi Sparkle: "you just describe wallflower blush even if i don't know her she said she been in canterlot high since freshman year and you did something to her that made her hate you remember her now?"

Sunset Shimmer: (sighs) "sorry twilight i bullied so many people either beating them up, framing them, even eating animals in front of fluttershy knowing she'll cried" remembering all this sickens sunset "oh god i was a monster!!!" twilight comfort sunset as sunset since her time was up and sigh sadly "i'm afraid my time here is about over my love" twilight begin crying again


Sunset Shimmer: "please stop crying twily just go to apple bloom she wasn't the arson that destroy the library listen to her side okay?" twilight nodded tearfully as sunset smile sadly "now give me something till i leave" twilight was confuse until sunset pucker up her lips which made twilight pucker hers they got close till their lips met and they stay that way bringing themselves closer enjoying the kissing till sunset completely vanish back to discords home leaving twilight to sob while reaching upwards with her right hand as she heard sunset one last time "go to apple bloom my love"

Sci Twi Sparkle: (sniffing) "don't go" she broke down and plop onto her bed holding spike tight around her arms "i need to go to apple bloom? wasn't the arson?" she muttered as her tears faded a bit as she calm down

Spike: (yawning) "lets worry all that tomorrow twilight" he fell asleep as

Sci Twi Sparkle: "well okay spike but from what we heard now i feel closer to clearing sunsets name and all i have to do is expose the monster wallflower as her murderer and culprit" she eventually fall asleep full of determination into helping her girlfriend come back.

My little pony belongs to Hasbro

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