𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒘𝒐

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(Y/N) woke up from her mother slightly shaking her daughter. "Good morning", her mum whispered to her before leaving a sweet kiss on top of her child's head. "Morning" (Y/N) responded; still sleepy, her mum soon left her room to begin breakfast, leaving her daughter to get ready for school.

She stood up from her bed and began changing into the school uniform before standing in front of her mirror, sorting out her hair, making sure it covered her ears. It was something she always did before leaving her room. (Y/N) entered the kitchen and started eating (food), "do you want me to drop you off?" Her mother asked just as her father stepped into the room.

"I don't have time for breakfast today; I'll see you both later," he said before kissing her mother's cheek and walking out of the house. Soon she stood up from her seat and put her dishes in the sink, "it's fine, mum." Her daughter reassured her mother before leaving a kiss on her cheek and rushing out of the house.

"Sometimes I worry about her", her mother spoke to the empty house as she watched (Y/N) walk down the street. Letting out a sigh before cleaning up.

(Y/N) strolled into the local shop to grab a few snacks for lunch. She didn't like asking her mum to make her lunch, but she also didn't like waking up early to make her own lunch too. So this was the best option, even if it was spending money. Once she paid for everything, she headed to the library. Stepping into the cool building and heading to the printer to print out some music sheets.

Even though there was a printer at school, she preferred coming here. Once everything was printed, she glanced at the clock to see she only had a little bit of time before she was late to school. This happened nearly every morning, but luckily, she knew a fast way to get to school.

Rushing out the building and down the road. This was where she first met Megumi, but it seemed it wasn't someone who was often late like her. Eventually, she made it to school just in time before the bell rang.

"I'm so glad I know that route", she let out in between deep breaths before making her way to her classroom. Opening the door slowly to reveal almost everyone in their seats giving her dirty looks. Was this really how her life was gonna be? She thought as she let out a sigh and made her way to her desk. The teacher soon entered, and the lesson began, (Y/N) kept her eyes on the teacher.

She needed good grades to get out of this school, which meant paying attention to whatever these teachers said.

Suddenly something hit her on the back of her head. Her head dropped to her desk where she found a paper plane, her stomach dipped as she could already imagine what was inside of it. Unfolding the paper to see the horrible words written on it. Don't let it affect you! She repeated in her head as she scrunched it into a ball and placed it in her bag. Those words were nothing new, this wasn't the first time something like this had happened, and it wasn't the last.

Another one came zooming at her, and instead of opening it, she immediately placed it in her bag. Like normal, the teacher somehow didn't see any of it. Or maybe she chooses to ignore it.

Soon enough, it was lunchtime, and everyone speeded out of the classroom to grab food. Except for (Y/N), the girl who stays in the same seat and eats away at the convenience store food she brought that morning so she wouldn't have to go to the cafeteria. The thought of going down there gave her shivers. Who knows what would happen if she went? But maybe if she went, she could see Megumi, the first person to ever be nice to her. While today was that day because (Y/N) luck had run out, she forgot to buy a drink today. Unfortunately for her, she was incredibly thirsty.

Swiftly she made her way to the lunch hall without anyone spotting her; sweat was dripping from her forehead as she stepped into line with her head down. (Y/N) felt sick to her stomach being this close to people. She was too much in thought that she didn't notice someone approaching her; the person gently tapped the shoulder, causing her to immediately glance up with wide eyes. There was no danger; it was only Megumi.

"Hey," he said as he stared down her shaken body, "are you okay?" he asked softly. The way he spoke to her reminded her of her mother whenever she was upset. "Yeah, sorry, I'm just not used to coming here", she replied as she glanced around at the room. Her body was relaxing more with Megumi around. (Y/N)'s (e/c) eyes focused back on the black-haired boy that spoke next to her, "do you wanna get lunch together?" she asked her, and she didn't know if he really did want to eat with her or he just wanted to jump in the line. Nodding her head slowly as the line began to move.

"Stay close; this can get a bit tough at lunchtime," he said, staring at her in the eyes. Hesitating as he reached out and grabbed her hand just like the first time they met, but this time she could feel his sweat. Was he nervous about holding her hand? She questioned in her head as he dragged her through the crowd making sure that no one would bang into her. Megumi was cautious, making sure (Y/N) didn't get hurt. Her body was pressed against his back as more people began to push. Don't mess with hungry teenagers.

Eventually, the two of them made it to the front of the line, and Megumi turned to her, "what do you want?" He asked as she pointed to a water bottle which he easily grabbed along with something he wanted. "Anything else?" he asked as she simply shook her head, "I have food in the classroom." Megumi nodded his head before grabbing a small snack bar.

Megumi let go of her hand to pay for their stuff when suddenly someone came really close to (Y/N). A boy from her class leaned down, looking at her in the face.

"Well, look who we have here!"

𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐰 (𝐌𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐅𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now