𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑺𝒊𝒙𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏

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The next day arrived, Megumi decided to drop by (Y/N) 's house to see how she was, but no one answered the door. At the time, he thought that maybe she needed time with her family but soon, it had been two weeks since he last saw her. She wouldn't reply to any of his messages, and he wondered if he did something wrong that day.

They both confessed their love but then why was he the only one trying to reach her. Did her feelings change?

Finally, on the third week, Megumi marched to her house and rang the bell in the morning before school. He was earlier than usual, not being able to sleep. Something had to have happened to her.

"Hello," a man's voice comes out from the speaker of the apartment building. Megumi cleared his throat, not expecting anyone to answer just like the last time. "Hi, I'm (Y/N)'s friend, Megumi", he replied, knowing that the man was her father. He saw him a couple of times, but the man never spoke to him.

"Wait there, I'll come down", the man spoke as Megumi's back straighten at the thought of finally properly meeting his girlfriend's father. If they were even still together.

A few minutes passed before an older male with a few white hairs stepped out of the building. (Y/N) and her father shared a lot more features than her mother. Megumi could recognise what she got from him. "Hello, I'm (Y/N)'s father", he stuck his hand out, to which Megumi shook, "and I know you're not just her friend." Sweat began to pour from Megumi, wondering what her father would do or say to him.

"I'm sorry, but (Y/N) and her mother moved away" the man glanced away from the younger boy towards the ground as he was filled with guilt and regret. "Oh" was all Megumi could say as he felt betrayed; she didn't even say anything to him. "She knew you would come back, so she wrote you this" her father held a piece of paper with his name on it. "This should explain everything" Megumi took the letter with shaky hands; he didn't know what he expected, but for her to move away was nowhere in his mind.

Just as the boy was about to turn away, the man called out. "Thank you for looking out for my daughter", and then the lonely man walked back inside the building.

There was no way he could miss school, so he carried on his way but took the same route he and (Y/N) would take. Memories of the two holding hands. He missed her. Gently unfolding the piece of paper to reveal her messy handwriting.

Hey Megumi, if you are reading this, then you must have come to the house. Sorry that you had to meet my dad like that. I've gone away, I don't know where but my mum wants to move just her and me. I'm sorry, I should have called you, but I was a chicken. When we got together, I always thought you would be the one to break it off, but I guess I'm doing it. I'm not in a good place; my mind is so dark. I couldn't stay here, maybe in the future, we will meet again. You were my first love, and you'll always have a piece of it.

Love from (Y/N)

The letter was short, but it had everything needed to break Megumi, his first love had gone away, but deep down, he knew it was for the best. Something had changed inside of her, and she needed to get better, far away from here, away from him.

A few years have passed.

Megumi walked in the middle of Nobara and Yuji as they walked down the street on their way to meet up with Gojo. "Itadori, have you had a crush before?" Nobara asked the pink-haired boy as he began speaking of his first crush in middle school. Megumi wonders to the girl that just vanished one day.

"Do you think our emo bubby has ever had a crush?" Nobara asked the other Megumi. "I don't think so. '' Yuji shook his head as Megumi began to get irritated with the two speaking about him while he stood in the middle of him. "If you are gonna speak about me, then at least ask me" he shoved past them and began walking fast.

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