𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏

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It's been a week since they last spoke on the rooftop, but that never stopped (Y/N) from attempting to try and talk to him. However, he would simply ignore her and walk away. She felt helpless and was slowly drowning in the darkness that welcomed her with no complaints. Her deepest darkest thoughts were growing louder with each day.

Another morning, the sun stirred and rose up. (Y/N) was already up; she had barely got any sleep. The same dream kept recurring every time she closed her eyes. The scene would change into that same horizontal view from that day where they stood on the rooftop. However, Megumi wasn't there. It was just (Y/N). Glancing down to see her bare feet at the edge of the building. One more step, and she would crash to the ground. That would be the end of her life.

But she wasn't scared of the dream, and that's what she was worried about.

"Morning", she grumbled as she stumbled into the kitchen, lack of sleep evident all over her face. "Oh dear", her mother let out a worried sigh as she rushed over to her daughter, placing her hands gently on her child's face. "Do you wanna take the day off?" Her mother was clearly concerned about her kid's health, both physically and mentally.

"No, I got to make it right with Megumi", she mumbled, shaking her head causing her mother to release her hold. "Fine" she took a deep breath before grabbing her hand and dragging her to the kitchen where she had her breakfast ready. Just as (Y/N) sat down, her parent's door opened to reveal her father. "Morning, honey", his wife called out as he stepped into the kitchen. He took one glance at his daughter before grabbing a glass of water.

"You look horrible", the first sentence he had spoken to her in a while. Glaring at the dad, who shared half of her DNA, "whatever", she spat out before carrying on eating her food. Her mother looked between the two, afraid that her husband would snap again, grabbing the home phone, ready to call the police if anything happened. But instead, he ignored it and walked out of the house.

"I should go too" (Y/N) stood up and grabbed the pre-made lunch her mother insisted on making. "Okay, dear. Be careful," her mother softly called as the door slapped shut.

Again, he was not there outside of her apartment building, and she wasn't surprised. (Y/N) just hoped that maybe one day he would be there waiting for her. To forgive her. Why did she have to ruin the one good thing?

Arriving at school early since she didn't need to go to the shop or the library. Which was thanks to Megumi. He had impacted her life so much.

Strolling to class after printing out her music sheets, she took a bit of time to print the papers out today because there were others there. Even though she had got to school early, she made it to class a second before the bell went. Most of the students were in their seats, but most importantly, he was there. Megumi was in his space.

(Y/N)' eyes were on him the moment she walked in, but he did everything in his power to not look at her. No matter how difficult it was. Megumi still held a grudge against her for keeping it from him. Fortunately for her, they sat next to each other. She made her way to her seat, where he turned away from her.

"Please, Megumi", she pleaded, her eyes switching to the classroom door and his back. "Talk to me, please", she begged him while he wanted to turn back to see her beautiful face. But he didn't know if he was ready to forgive her.

"He doesn't want to speak to a freak like you" that same girl approached (Y/N)'s table, smirking down at her. "This doesn't involve you" (Y/N) spoke, finally standing up for herself instead of running away.

"Excuse me!" the girl screeched as she pulled on (Y/N)'s hair pulling her towards her. "Ouch, that hurts" (Y/N) complains as she tries to peel that girl's hands off her. "Stop bothering people; it's embarrassing", she sneered at (Y/N) still with a tight hand on her hair.

"But I just want to make things right" (Y/N) attempts to get out through the pain before slamming her foot of the other girl's foot. The girl's grip loosens up, allowing (Y/N) to get her escape.

"Stop it!" Megumi stood up, banging his hands on his desk, causing both girls to give him their attention. "See, what did I tell you" the girl pointed at (Y/N), a smirk formed on her face thinking she won. "I was talking about you" Megumi glared at the girl who looked puzzled by his statement. "You are a terrible human being", he hissed, causing her to rush back over to her little friends. "What a gloomy person?" She immediately began gossiping to her friends about Megumi and (Y/N).

"Do you wanna get out of here?" Megumi asked with his hand held out, and she couldn't help but let out a smile. The first smile to appear in a while.

"Sure", and with that, she took his hand; they were off out of the classroom, passing past their unbothered teacher. She might get in trouble when she gets home, but she couldn't care; all she wanted was to be with Megumi. To talk to him. He dragged her out to the same place she once ran to.

Once they arrived, Megumi let go and (Y/N) wanted to grab his hand again, but she resisted. "I'm sorry for ignoring you", he paused as he turned around to face her, "I just needed time to think." She nodded her head in understanding, and maybe she should have given him more space. Desperately, she tried to contain the tears that were on the verge of spilling.

Grabbing her face gently before leaving a soft peak on her lips, "there's a lot I don't understand, but that doesn't mean I won't try to. So next time, don't lie to me", he whispered to her as the tears fell. He was gonna stay with her. They were gonna be together, and she would be better.

"Does that mean that you are still my boyfriend?" She asked for clarification. "Yes," he spoke that one word before leaning in and capturing her lips that held a thousand words. They were gonna be okay, and now she knew to tell him everything. She wouldn't ruin it this time. Never again would she lose her world. Her everything.

"Tomorrow, if you don't have anything to do. Would you like to come to another contest?"

𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐰 (𝐌𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐅𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now