𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑭𝒐𝒖𝒓

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(Y/N) looked up at the boy who had changed her school life in a matter of days. And now he stands in front of her with his hand held out to her to ditch school. Something she's never done before. Not because she didn't want to but because she knew how her parents would react. However, for the first time in her life, she throws any rational thought out the window as she takes the boy's hand.

"Let's ditch" she smiles radiantly, that it surprises Megumi; he never knew she could smile that big. And he promises to keep that smile up for at least the rest of the day. Megumi pulled the girl up easily and stared down at her clothes when he realised her bra was showing through the white shirt. His face immediately turned red like a traffic light but (Y/N) didn't notice why. The boy let go of the girl and turned away from her.

"Is something wrong?" she stuttered, terrified that this was some sort of prank he was pulling on her. First, make her happy and then rip that happiness away. But instead, he took off his blazer and handed it to her. "Cover up", he simply established while letting out a cough. She tilted her head in confusion before glancing down at her chest to see that her underwear was very much on show. "Sorry", she mumbled before taking his blazer and slipping it on with a soft smile. Megumi was a nice guy.

"I'm covered up", she teased him as he turned back with still pinkish cheeks. A giggle made its way out of (Y/N) mouth at Megumi's embarrassed face. "We can stop at my place, and you can change into something else" he paused. "Unless you wanna go to your house", he rushed out, not wanting her to think that he was trying to do something with her at his house like others at their school. "My mum's home" (Y/N) stated as he nodded his head.

At the time, (Y/N)'s innocent little mind didn't think much of going to a boy's house.

"We'll meet here after we grab our stuff" they discussed their great escape before agreeing to the plan and heading in separate directions to get their bags. Walking down the hallway with a boy's blazer on was strange, it was much bigger than her normal one, but it was kind of Megumi to give her his. She could just imagine all the words that would be thrown at her as she stepped down the hallway with her bra showing. (Y/N) hated it here, but with Megumi, she was slowly tolerating it.

She knew it was weird to do it, but she couldn't help it. (Y/N) slowly lifted the collar of his blazer and took a sniff. Was she weird? Yes, but he did smell amazing. Like (smell), and she was addicted to it. The door to her classmate slammed open and out came a girl; luckily for (Y/N), she didn't say anything and moved along, ignoring her presence altogether. Grabbing her stuff swiftly before rushing out of the building towards their meeting spot where Megumi stood waiting, "sorry for keeping you waiting." She spoke in between breaths.

"I thought you would have left me hanging" Megumi grabbed her hand and dragged her towards the back of the school. "You don't seem like someone to break the rules" he drags me along as I think of a way to respond to his statement. "Life has a lot of surprises", she exclaimed, he was right when he said she wasn't a rule breaker, but today felt different. She wanted to rebel against everything on the earth.

"We need to jump over this wall" Megumi glanced at the girl that stood beside him. (Y/N) began to sweat; she wasn't one of those girls that were crazy good at atheists. After all, she just sat on a chair and played the piano. "Don't worry, I'll help you" Megumi eased her worry, but still, she felt uneasy. The boy bends down with his back against the wall and his hands cupped. "Put your foot here, and I'll lift you up", he instructed, which she followed through until she sat on top of the wall, afraid of climbing down to freedom.

"Just stay there", He assured her one more time before easily making his way up to her. "Showoff", she mumbled while Megumi let out a chuckle. "What are you doing? You should be in class!" They both turned to the left to see a teacher making their way to them. "Time to jump", Megumi smirked as he swiftly jumped down, leaving a terrified (Y/N) behind. She was gonna get caught, was all she thought.

"Jump, and I'll catch you" they both looked at each other, she didn't understand why she had this much trust in him, but she did. And so she jumped off like a baby bird taking his first flight. Just like he promised, he caught her in his arms. "Hey", she mumbled as their noses touched each other while they heard the teacher on the other side shout. "We should go before more teachers come", Megumi whispered as he placed her gently on the ground.

"Yeah", she stuttered as she took deep breaths, trying to calm her beating heart; she didn't know if it was from the adrenaline or from the closeness they were in. Megumi grabbed her hand once more and directed them to his house. Turns out he didn't live that far from her.

"And this is my room" he finished off the small tour, and she found a bit about him. It turns out that he even has an older sister. (Y/N) always wanted a sibling but knew her parents would never have another child after her. "I would lend you my sister's clothes, but she would never stop teasing me about you being here", he grumbled as she nodded my head. A sibling bond was one she never understood but desired. Someone to complain about your parents without getting judged by others.

Megumi pulled out a pair of joggers and a plain top, "the bathroom is over there." He points to the door opposite his room, "thank you." She expressed as she stepped towards the bathroom and locked the door behind her before getting dressed. Folding her clothes neatly as she changed. Once she was ready, she took one last look in the mirror. His clothes were kinda long on her legs, but she rolled them up so they wouldn't drag on the floor.

"I'm ready", she spoke as she opened the bathroom door with her clothes in hand just in time to get a sight of Megumi topless in his room with the door wide open. Her face heated up at the sight, she had never seen a boy half naked apart from her dad, but that was different. (Y/N) heart beat against her ribs, but it was like her eyes were stuck to him.

Megumi quickly slipped the top over his head, "sorry, I thought I should also change." He apologised as he took her clothes and placed them neatly into her bag. A chuckle leaving him, "guess we are even now." (Y/N) snapped back and realised what she had done; instead of being polite and turning around, she stared at him and not in a discreet way.

"I'm sorry!" she shouted as she bowed to him in embarrassment. She couldn't believe what she had done. Another chuckle left him as he grabbed her shoulders softly, lifting her up, so she was facing him now. "It's fine, now let's go" he grabbed her hand once again, and she began wondering why he always held her hand. In the other hand was her bag, "I can carry my bag", she stated as he nodded his head and handed her bag back.

She didn't ask where he was taking her the whole journey, and Megumi thought it was strange that she didn't ask. He was a boy, after all, and some boys can take advantage of girls. Of course, Megumi wouldn't but wasn't she at all afraid that he would do something like that?

But eventually, Megumi stopped outside a building, "cinema", she spoke with a smile as she gazed at him. "I haven't watched a movie in so long", she examined as Megumi smiled proudly at his choice. She liked it.

"What are we going to watch?" she asked curiously as he turned to her, not knowing if she was gonna like his suggestion. "Do you like horror movies?" he questioned as she nodded her head. "I've read a lot of scary books, so I guess so", she responded as Megumi pulled her inside the building and queued in line. "Then let's watch the Conjuring 3" she had seen the posters for the movie and thought it was interesting. Nodding her head as they waited for the person in front to finish purchasing their tickets.

"I have a question," Megumi asked as he turned to face her, "why were you not afraid where I was taking you?" He asked with concern and worry that she might actually be that naive to the world. What if some guy tried to take advantage of her? He would never let that happen.

"Even though I've only known you for a bit. I know Megumi is a good person."

𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐰 (𝐌𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐅𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now