𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑬𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕

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Later that day, school had finished, and it was time to head home. It became a new routine for (Y/N) to spot Megumi patiently waiting for her outside of her classroom. Usually, her teacher would always let them out later compared to the others. It was annoying, but when her eyes connected with his, her mood changed into happiness. Emotions she never thought she would experience with another human being.

"Your teacher needs to learn to read a clock", Megumi complained as she agreed with his statement. They walked side by side as they made their way to the shoe locker. She hasn't gotten bullied for a while, but there were no complaints from her. Once they slipped on their shoes, they made their way out of the building with the occasional stares and whispers.

It was a quick journey to her house like normal, but she stopped him just as he was about to say goodbye. "I was wondering if you were free tomorrow?" (Y/N) stuttered out as she fidgeted with her fingers. A habit that she did whenever she was nervous. A second pause from Megumi as he went through his calendar in his head. "I've got nothing to do tomorrow; why are you asking?" His black eyes stared into her as she stepped back , slightly scared he would reject her invitation.

"I know it's kinda late but do you wanna come to a music contest?" She mumbled, but he heard her. "Sure, I would be happy to come", he exclaimed with a small smile on his face, causing a sigh of relief to escape the girl.

"Till tomorrow", Megumi promised as they smiled at each other before hearing an engine from a car nearly close. "Oh no, my dads coming", she muttered to herself, but Megumi always heard her. Without any questions, he said goodbye and made his way home, leaving the (L/N) to their own problems.

Her dad stepped out of his dad and immediately spotted his daughter standing in front of their apartment building. She reminded him so much like his sister; even her newfound rebellion was similar to hers. "(Y/N)" he called for her, but only the sound of the door slamming answered.

"Welcome home", her mother greeted her cheerfully when she heard the front door close. "What did you have for lunch?" She answered but not before leaving a gentle kiss on her daughter's cheek. "(Food)" her daughter replied, bored, her mood decreasing from the sight of her father. "I don't understand why you won't just let me make your lunch?" Her mother complained as she watched (Y/N) grab a fruit.

"Because I never know what I want until the day comes", she lies. Every day she gets basically the same food from the shop. (Y/N) just didn't wanna make her mother do more than she had to. Her mum already made her dad's lunch, and (Y/N) didn't want to add to her long list of tasks.

The door opened, and in came the man who was the newfound cause of her problems. "Hi honey," immediately mother was on wife duties and greeted her husband at the door, but sadly she was completely ignored as her father stared at (Y/N) direction. "You were with him again!?" He questioned her with a glare, and she was surprised he didn't try and raise his voice at her. She took another bite from her fruit, ignoring him just like he had done to his wife.

"Answer me!" He shouted as soon as he stomped his way over to her and slapped the fruit out of her hand and onto the floor. A sigh escaped her mother as she knew she would be the one to clean the mess up. "I don't speak to people who harm their kids" (Y/N) walks around her father and makes her way to her room.

"When you are older and have kids, you will understand", her father stated in a matter of fact time, causing a chuckle to leave his daughter. (Y/N) paused in her step before turning around to him. "I'll understand why you had to hit your child?" She questioned with a glare causing her father to march his way over to her.

(Y/N) couldn't stop herself from flinching at her father's advancements. "Get away from me!" She shouted, afraid of her own father. Frozen in his step at the sight of his child's eyes that held fear in them. But soon grew rage that she would look at him like that like he was a monster. And that's when mother did something (Y/N) never would have thought of.

"Both if you go to your rooms!" She stepped in between them and shouted at them. However, (Y/N) knew she was mainly talking to her husband. Her dad walked slowly to his room before slamming the door shut, causing them both to jump. Immediately, (Y/N) hugged her mother back for a second before rushing into her room.

Even though it was one sentence, she was proud of her mother.

The next morning, (Y/N) woke up from the smell of fresh breakfast and made her way over to the kitchen. It was peaceful, meaning her father was not home. Last night she informed Megumi that it would be a formal event, but she didn't expect him to have cleaned up so well. Her mother opened the door to the boy wearing a

Black and white suit which fitted him nicely.

"It's so lovely to meet you", her mother greeted the boy before welcoming him into their home. "(Y/N) will be out in a moment she is still getting ready", her mother apologises as she straightens up her dress making sure there were no wrinkles.

"I'm ready", she called from the other side of the door before pushing it open to reveal herself. Both her and Megumi were shocked by the other's new appearance. (Y/N) couldn't help herself but lick her lips at the sight of him.

"I didn't even know you had a suit", she chuckled at the boy's reddened expression while her mother went to grab her purse. "Yeah, well, someone got it for me at the last minute" Megumi didn't elaborate on who this someone was, but (Y/N) thought it might have been his sister.

"Well, you look handsome", she complimented him with a smile. Megumi's eyes wandered (Y/N) before stuttering, "you look amazing." Her face began to heat up just in time for her mother to appear with a giggle at the sight of teenage embarrassment.

"Let's get going, lovebirds", her mother teased while walking out the door with her daughter following behind, objecting to that statement.

They all got into the taxi with her mother sitting at the front and Megumi and her at the back. "Are you nervous?" He asked, unsure of what to say as this was new to him. (Y/N) nodded her head as she felt her hands begin to sweat, but before she could wipe it anywhere, Megumi grabbed her hand and squeezed it. It was like he drained her sweat away. "My sister used to do this to me when I was nervous", Megumi stated as she couldn't imagine Megumi begging nervously.

"What were you nervous about?" She asked, Intrigued to learn more about the boy. "The doctors", he responded as she leaned her head against his. Before she could respond back, they heard a cough from the front and saw her mother's head popping out from the side as if taking a peek at their little world.

"We are here", she announced before the car stopped, and the three of them stepped out and entered the crowd.

"I need to go this way" she pointed in the opposite direction to where the seats were. Her mum came up to her and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek, "good luck, sweetie." She spoke before stepping back so Megumi could talk.

"I'll be cheering you on, so you better win" he smiled before messing up her hair that she spent time getting right. "Hey! I can't win with messed up hair," she complained, but Megumi helped her sort it out quickly just in time for her to go backstage.

"Good luck", he leaned in and whispered before leaving a soft kiss on her forehead.

𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐰 (𝐌𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐅𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now