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⊱ ──────ஓ๑🏀๑ஓ ────── ⊰

"I'M COMING THROUGH the door like a normal person ─ eeeek!" Yuuto shrieked because he fell on the gym's floor when he bursted the door open, landing face first. However, despite his state, he managed to keep the arm that was holding onto a plastic bag, raised and safe from harm.

The applicants in the gym, who were previously nervous as hell, felt their nervousness drift away as the feeling was replaced with either amusement or second-hand embarrassment.

"Aym owmkey!" they heard Yuuto yell against the floor, making them sweatdrop.

'I made it! But, that low-key hurt though. Not gonna lie...' he comically teared up as he raised his head from the floor, and used his free hand to rub his swollen forehead.

"Are you alright?"

Yuuto looked up, and his golden eyes met with large maroon ones. Standing in front of him was a boy with crimson red hair, who laid a hand to help him stand up. He was wearing a shirt and basketball shorts, so he concluded that he's one of the applicants for the club that came here for the try-outs.

Grinning thankfully, he accepted his hand and stood up. "Yup, I'm alright! Don't worry. It's gonna take more than that to kill me!"

"Well, I'm glad you're okay. However, I can't help but think that you made quite an entrance back there," the redhead amusedly commented, and Yuuto's cheeks became as red as his hair.

"Oh, please forget about that lame entrance. It's so uncool, and I'm ashamed that my kouhais had to see that!" he cried. "And to think that I had this awesome, dramatic entrance planned out for this year's try-outs just to show you how cool of a senpai I am, but I didn't get to do it even after I rehearsed it for so many times!"

'He rehearsed his...' The redhead blinked once, then twice. '...entrance...?'

"I wanted to copy the awesome entrance of that hero from an anime who had half of his respiratory system destroyed, but it was a complete failure!" Yuuto buried his heated face in his hands. "I'm so embarrassed, I could die..."

'Half of his respiratory system destroyed...? Anime...?' Once again, the redhead could only blink confusedly, but nonetheless smiled politely at the second-year. "Ah, I-I see. You're a member of this club, am I right? May I ask what string you are in?"

Yuuto lifted his face from his hands. "Oh, I'm not in any of the strings. Actually, I'm not a player ─ I'm the manager."

The redhead's eyes widened slightly. He definitely didn't expect that. He then scanned Yuuto's body from head to toe, (not in a perverted way), before returning his gaze to his golden eyes. "The manager, huh? I apologize for my mistake. It's just that you have physical qualities ─"

Altruistic ℘ Kuroko No Basket | KnB | Kuroko's Basketball x Male! OCWhere stories live. Discover now