Chapter 1

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"Goodbye, Minhyuk~ I'm leaving now." Jeon Jungkook, waved goodbye at his co-worker in the cafe with his eyes shining as bright as usual.

The said male cooed at the cute bunny. "Arraseo, go home and rest well."

Jungkook beamed, nodding his head rapidly while skipping his way all down the street. He hums a random tone with his mouth gape open when he saw the sun was setting down.

He stops his step, squealing softly at the beautiful view. He was about to fish out his phone to take a picture, a grunt from the dark alley interrupted him.

He thought he heard it wrongly at first, but changed his mind when another groan was heard.

He pace back and forth, debating whether he should go inside and take a peek or not, since his Yoongi hyung always remind him stranger danger. He purses his lips, finding himself walking inside out of curiousity.

He walks deeper and deeper, gasping out loud when he saw a figure slumped on the floor, looking in pain.

He quickly rushes over, squatting down, "Are you okay, mister?"

Jungkook could feels heat runs straight up to his face when he took a glance at the figure. The guy was so damn handsome.

Jungkook traces his fingers on the stranger's face. His tall nose, thin pink lips with a piercing on it, his honey tanned skin, though his eyes were closed, but Jungkook could make a bet with his life that the male eyes would look outstanding.

This guy is a walking god.

Jungkook yelps softly when his wrist was grabbed by the stranger. "Oh thank God you're still conscious!" He held up two fingers in front of the male, "Could you see my fingers, mister?"

"Stupid Jungkook! How can he see when his eyes still closed?" He scolded himself for his stupidity.

Jungkook checks the guy from head to toes, can't find a single wound or starches on the male but the male still groaning loudly. "Why is he looking like he's in pain?"

Seeing the painful look of the male, he decided to bring the male to his house. He drapes the male hand over his shoulder, standing up and almost stumbles back down because the guy was too heavy for his petite size.

He drags the guy, sighing heavily. Still a long way from here to his house.


"Argh!" He puts the heavy male on his bed, wiping the sweat on his forehead as he fans himself, trying to calm his breathing.

Dragging a guy who was in twice of your size was really difficult.

Thank goodness, Yoongi hyung wasn't home now. Jungkook thought. Yoongi would kills Jungkook if he knew the innocent bunny brought the biggest mafia boss in the world to their house.

Yep, the guy who's laying on the bed was non other than Kim Taehyung, the biggest mafia boss himself.

Jungkook stretches his whole body, yawning in process. His energy was all worn out because of the incident that happened just now. He again took a glance at the male, covering the male with his blanket, afraid the stranger would gets cold in the night.

Jungkook giggles softly as he pats the male's fluffy hair. "Ahh!!" He screamed out when he was suddenly pinned down by the bulky man.

Jungkook gasped out when the male finally reveals his almond brown eyes that definitely looks more than outstanding.

"Who are you?!" Taehyung grunted out, one hand pinning Jungkook's wrist, another was on his neck, ready to snap Jungkook's neck if he did any harm.

Tears immediately welled up in Jungkook's eyes. "I-I'm Jungkook..." He choke on a sob, face red as hell since he was lack of oxygen.

Though Taehyung's vision was blurred, same as his mind, but he still could tell the male that he pinned down was beautiful.

Jungkook looks at Taehyung with his wide doe eyes, looking so innocent to Taehyung, which makes the male let go the poor bunny unconsciously.

Jungkook curls himself into a ball, "I w-was just trying to help you, mister..." He sniffles, cherry lips jutted out, looking as similar as a bunny who's pleading the lion not to eat him.

Taehyung doesn't know why he got a sudden urge to keep the boy himself, locking away the cruel world from the boy. He groans, the migraine on his head wasn't helping the situation at all. His eyes again fluttered close, falling into deep slumber.

Whereas Jungkook was still shocked at the 'attack' from Taehyung. He rubs his aching neck, "I f-forgot to ask for his name..." He mumbles, closing his eyes in process.

He lays himself down on the floor, tiredness fight over the fact that the floor was cold and hard. He yawns again, slowly falling into dreamland.

...< * >...

Not for long, the mafia boss was wide awake. He held his aching shoulder, mind was clearer than just now as the drug worn out.

He frowned when he saw another petite male on the floor. "What's his name again? Jungkook?"

He got up from the bed, crouching down to get a closer view of the male. Button nose, long eyelashes that sets below his eyes, cherry lips and the rosy cheeks that glow, the male in front of Taehyung was ridiculously beautiful.

Taehyung could still remember how the male's eyes shines brightly, having a hint of innocence.

His lips twitch, curving up forming a small smile as he caressed Jungkook's cheeks.

He doesn't believe in love, but now he did believe in love at the first sight.

"I'm gonna keep you from all the danger, bunny. Wait till our next encounter, baby." He landed a peck on Jungkook's cheeks, chuckles softly when Jungkook scrunches his nose like a cute bunny he is.

Taehyung stood up from his position, walking out from the room while grinning satisfyingly. He got a lot to do for keeping the bunny, but that's definitely worth a shot.


"Kookie, Kookie!" Jungkook pouted, feeling himself got shook by someone rather harshly. He slowly opens his eyes, rubbing them for a clearer view.

He gulps nervously when he was greeted by Yoongi's furious face. "Hi...hyungie~" he grinned sheepishly.

"Why are you on the floor sleeping, Kook? I told you many times the floor is cold, you might catch a cold in the night!" Yoongi scolded, sighing in defeat when he saw Jungkook's bunny smile.

"You're such a dummy. There's a bed for you to sleep and yet you sleep in the floor." Yoongi pinches Jungkook's nose.

Bed? Jungkook shots up, facing his bed, finding himself a bit disappointed when he saw the bed was empty.

"I thought he would tell me his name and thank me..." Jungkook mumbled.

"What are you saying, Kook?" Yoongi's head was tilted to the sideways.

"Nothing, hyungie~"

Yoongi ruffles Jungkook's messy hair, "Now get ready for work. Hyung made pancakes for you by the way."

Jungkook's eyes lit up when the male mentioned pancakes. "You're the best hyung!"


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