Chapter 26

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Jungkook coughed again. Taehyung quickly uses his hand to smooth Jungkook's chest, another hand wrapped around Jungkook's waist.

Jungkook curled himself further, snuggling into Taehyung's chest. A large coat was wrapped around him, only his soft looking face was displayed to the world.

"Told you right? You get sick easily. Next time remember to wear a coat, okay?" Taehyung softly scolded as the boy in his embrace pouted.

He looked at Taehyung with hooded eyes, sniffling as he felt really uncomfortable with his runny nose, "Alright..." his voice was hoarse, usual cherry voice was long gone. He closed his eyes, adjusting himself to a better position as he felt like he's going to fall asleep right now.

Taehyung sighed softly. He shouldn't have taken Jungkook to the company. His office was not enough warm to Jungkook and yet the boy keep on whining to come with him. A pregnant and sick Jungkook is very clingy. Just now he wanted to put the boy on the soft couch that would be more comfortable for the boy but Jungkook refused immediately.

Seeing Jungkook's pale sick face, he doesn't know whether he should be worried about the boy's health condition or cooed at the cute face of Jungkook.

Sometimes he really wonder why Jungkook manage to be cute and beautiful in every situation.

He averted his gaze from Jungkook's ethereal face as he stared at the computer in front of him. He started working as soon as he felt Jungkook was deep asleep.

He went alarmed when he heard someone knocked. "Mr Kim-" "Shh..." Taehyung gestured Reina, who was walking inside the office to keep quiet.

Reina looked at the boy in Taehyung's embrace, immediately get what the mafia boss meant. She nodded her head, walking closer to Taehyung, "Mr Kim, Mr Lim from the Lim Corp wants to see you." She whispered out, keeping her voice down as down as she could.

Taehyung frowned as he let out a sigh in annoyance. He carried Jungkook, softly placed him on the couch. He gestured Reina to walk with him and the girl followed.

Once the office door clicked shuts, Taehyung demanded one of his guard, "Don't let anyone go in my office."

"Yes, Sir." The guy nodded his head.

Taehyung nodded his head as he walked away towards Mr Lim that standing not far from him.


Jungkook fluttered his eyes opened, rubbing them with his fists to get a clearer view. He sat there with confused mind as he couldn't find Taehyung's presence.

He jutted his lips out, eyes getting teary when he realised he was alone in Taehyung's office. He stood up quickly, ignoring the fact that his feet were bare as he walked out the office with short but fast steps.

He yelped out when he gets halted by Reina. He stared at Reina like she was his life saviour, "R-Reina noona, where's T-Taetae hyungie?" He was surprised that he still managed to speak that much with sore throat.

Seeing the boy was in the verge of crying, she quickly said, "Mr Kim went to meet someone. He'll be back as soon as possible." She pats Jungkook's head, trying to calm the boy down.

Jungkook stared at Reina with his wide doe eyes, "Please t-take me to him..." he grabbed Reina's sleeve, looking the girl with pleading eyes.

"Alright. I remember he's talking with the business man nearby...There! Can you see him there?" Reina pointed her finger towards Taehyung's direction as the boy looked at the direction too.

"T-Thank you, noona!" A bunny smile plastered on Jungkook's face as he thanked the girl, running towards Taehyung quickly. He dashed to the male like a mini rocket, his whole weight was put on the male as he crashed to the male, hugging the male tightly.

Taehyung made an 'oof' sound when someone crashed into him, hugged him tightly. He was about to scold that someone but stopped when he saw the familiar face. "Petal? What are you doing here?"

"H-Hyungie...I miss you..." Jungkook rubbed his face against Taehyung's chest, muttering softly.

Taehyung sighed in defeat, a small smile decorated on his face, "I told you to rest more, right?" Taehyung scolded softly, making the boy pouted.

"Hyungie, I want huggies! Carry me~" Jungkook whined as he jumped. Taehyung quickly wrapped his arms around his waist to stop the boy jumping up and down. He picked the boy up as the boy wrapped his arms around Taehyung's neck and legs wrapped around his waist.

He put his hand below Jungkook's ass to support the younger's weight. "Sleep now, alright?" Taehyung softly whispered, gentleness could be heard in his voice.

Jungkook nodded his head obediently as he felt his eyes getting droopy. He puts his chin on Taehyung's shoulder, slowly falling asleep again.

Mr Lim who saw the whole scene was totally stunned. Who knows the Kim Taehyung will be so patient, so gentle to a boy. If he was right, he saw the mafia boss smiled too.

"Mr Lim?" Mr Lim snapped out from his mind when Taehyung called his name. "Yes?" He replied.

"Let's meet each other later. My precious is sleeping now." Taehyung whispered to the male.

"O-Ohh sure!" Mr Lim bowed respectfully as he stared at Taehyung who carried Jungkook, slowly walking away from his eye sight.

Mr Lim shook his head in disbelief. "Kim Taehyung is so whipped for the boy."

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