Chapter 7

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"Tae, there's a thing I want to discuss with you."

"Say it out then." Taehyung replied, while his gaze still on the paperworks on the table.

"It's like that," Hoseok gulped down a huge lump in his throat, "Jungkook's cousin, Min Yoongi wants to see Jungkook-" "I won't allow it, hyung."

Hoseok mentally cursed at the arrogant mafia boss who interrupted his sentence. "Tae, he's the only family of Jungkook. Even if he doesn't wants to see him, I'm sure Jungkook also miss his cousin right?"

Taehyung's lips twitched in annoyance, "I don't like it when they get too close."

"They're cousin, not lover! Keep your protective ass out of this situation will you?" Hoseok slammed his hand on the table, and trust me, this is the most daring action he ever do to Taehyung.

Taehyung tsk, mind flowing with the image of Jungkook pouting, eyes filled with sadness, begging him to let him meet his 'Yoongi Hyungie'. He groaned, "Fine! But you need to look after them, don't let that Min Yoongi touches my precious!"

Hoseok rolled his eyes, "Aye aye captain." He replied and turned his heels, leaving the room.

He walked slowly, stopping his steps as he arrived the familiar room. He twist the doorknob and entered the room.

"Doing alright, kitten?"

The boy that sits on the bed glared at him. "Getting locked in the room for a few days sounds so great isn't it?" Yoongi snickered.

"Don't give me that attitude, kitten. You know what I'm capable of." Hoseok threatened, making Yoongi immediately shuts his mouth.

"I've talked to Taehyung and he agreed to let you see Jungkook." Hoseok stated.

Yoongi shots up from the bed, "Really?! Oh my god! Thank you so much!" He yelled, out of excitement but soon come back his sense.

"Why am I saying thank you when they're the one you caused this chaos?" Yoongi muttered, he thought Hosoek didn't hear it, of course, the man heard everything, but decided to keep quiet about it.

He found the boy is rather cute with the mutter habit. "Now let's go. I'll take you to him."


It's been a few days since Jungkook was brought to this mansion and surprisingly, he feels really comfortable. He could tell himself slowly loving the surroundings and the people in this mansion. Maybe mafia wasn't that bad after all...

Jungkook lays on the fluffy carpet, with his tummy faced down and hands supporting his chubby cheeks, eyes never leaving the book that he's reading right now.

He was in the library of the mansion. A silk baby blue blanket was draped over his shoulder, around him were more comfy pillows and a few bunny plushies. The sun shines through the blinder, creating a natural golden effect, making the little beauty that was concentrating on his book looks even beautiful, even ethereal.

"The man left few more kisses on her neck, lips ghosting from the pale skin to the light pink ear of the girl. The girl gasped out of sensitivity, whispered out a small curse word. 'Just make love with me now, Jason.' "

"" Jungkook's eyebrows creased to a frown, confusion written on his face when he met this unfamiliar phrase, "What does it mean by make love?"

He pouted harder. This is why sometime he doesn't like to read romance book. There are too many phrases he doesn't understand.

He heard a knock on the door so he quickly faced the source of sound. His eyes lit up like it held the whole galaxy when he saw his Yoongi standing just a few steps away from him. "Yoongi Hyungie!"

He shots up from his laying position, dashing to his hyung like a mini rocket, "I miss you so much hyungie! Are you alright?"

"I'm perfectly fine, kook. What about you?" Yoongi asked, caressing the younger's hair.

"I am, also! Just now I read a book and found some phrases I don't know-Yoongi hyungie?" Jungkook gazed at the older confusingly as Yoongi ignored his question and went to the big window of library.

"What are you doing, hyungie?"

Yoongi sighed, "Listen here, kook. I just told the stupid kidnapper to get me some water to drink so we don't have much time to runaway from here. Do you trust me?"

Jungkook nodded his head firmly. Yoongi smiled fondly, "I know Kim Taehyung must've many guards guarding all around the mansion so we can't just walk out and escape. The only option is jumping out from the window. I think it's just 7 feet from here to the ground so it's okay for us to jump down. Hyungie will jump first, then you follow by, okay?"

"But why should we escape?" Jungkook's question was again ignored. Yoongi didn't waste any moment as he jumped down and landed on the ground securely.

Jungkook looked down, his gaze met Yoongi's one as the older gestured him to jump down. He bites his lips, debating he should jump or not but still followed his Yoongi's hyung request.

They both make a 'oof' sound when Jungkook landed almost on Yoongi, making both of them fall on the ground. Jungkook's yellow sweater was dirty as the ground was filled with dirt.

"Did you hurt anywhere?" Yoongi asked, scanning Jungkook from head to toes.

Jungkook shook his head, "Hyungie, why should we escape?"

"We're getting kidnapped now! Of course we need to escape!"

"But I promised Jinnie hyung to change Taetae hyungie and make him happy..." Jungkook muttered out but it's audible for Yoongi.

Yoongi stared at the younger in disbelief, "What kind of drugs did they let you take? How can you get along with kidnapper so well? Especially when the kidnapper is a mafia boss!"

"They're nice! They willing to be my friend-" "Don't say any dumb thing more from now on. I will take you out from here no matter what." Yoongi cut of Jungkook's sentence, dragging him while running in an inhuman speed.

Jungkook will be a liar if he said he wasn't hurt by Yoongi's words. He pursed his lips, running along with Yoongi.

Hoseok on the other hand was so confused when his saw the library was filled with no one. He soon got back all of his sense and started yelling for the guards.

"Hey! Who are you?!" Yoongi cursed out softly when he saw two guards standing not far from him. He ran to the opposite direction, adding up his running speed.

"H-Hyungie..." Jungkook's voice was heard faintly. Yoongi rolled his eyes, "Jungkook, I told you not to say any dumb things further right? This time we need to be serious! Don't tell me you want to stay here or something-" He stopped his tracks when Jungkook tugged his wrist harder.

He faced the younger, gasping out loud when he saw Jungkook was almost in tears.

"C-Can't breath..." Jungkook whispered out, trying his best to keep his breathing regular but no use. Yoongi was so panicked. "Follow my method, Kook. Breath in, yeah you're doing just great, breath out..." after a few times of Yoongi's persuasion, Jungkook soon got back his regular breathing.

Yoongi sighed in relief, scolding himself internally for making Jungkook ran too fast. "Are you okay now?"

Jungkook nodded his head. Seeing the innocent face of the younger, Yoongi felt more guilty. "I'm so sorry, kook. Let's run again, alright?"

They started running again when Yoongi earned a nod from Jungkook. They run and run, can't help but wonder, why the hell this mansion so huge?!

They again changed their direction when they spotted a few of guards but almost every direction had a few guards guarding along, what even worse was, every guards noticed their presence.

Yoongi clutched Jungkook's wrist tightly, standing in front of him, shielding the little bunny when the guards getting closer and closer to them.

He cursed even loudly when the Kim Taehyung himself slowly made his way towards them, "I believe you have something belongs to me, Min Yoongi."

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