Chapter 27

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Jungkook looked at the mirror in front of him. He lifted up the hem of his hoodie up as he stared at his protruding belly.

He rubbed circles on his belly, a smile decorated on his face. "You grew up, little peanut!" He turned his body to the sideways, staring at the cute bump.

He giggled out, but his smile fall when he realised he was getting fatter recently. He ate a lot, and everything he ate was weird. He remembered Taehyung almost puke when he saw him eating strawberries with mayonnaise.

"I'm weird..." Jungkook pouted, putting his hoodie down, "Will hyungie abandons me?" He gasped out cutely, eyes getting teary with shinny tears.

He walked out from the bathroom with rushed steps, running quickly with his socked feet as he wants to see his hyungie. He screamed out when someone engulfed him.

He raised his head up, eyes meeting the almond eyes of the mafia boss, "Hyungie!"

Taehyung sighed, "What did I say about running, hmm?" He caressed Jungkook's waist, "If you keep on being this disobedient, I might just leave you alone~" Taehyung teased.

The whole body of Jungkook freeze. His doe eyes were widen, as he stared at Taehyung blankly. Hyungie wants to leave me alone?! He mind was pounded with so many questions.

"H-Hyungie..." Jungkook whined out, clutching Taehyung's clothes. He sobbed loudly, "Wahh~~~Hyungie please don't abandon me!!!" Big fat tears dropped out from Jungkook's wide bambi eyes, landed on the floor securely.

"Wait wait!" Taehyung cupped Jungkook's chubby cheeks, trying to calm the boy down but the younger keep on shedding tears, "What are you talking about, petal? I'm just joking!"

"I-I'm getting...g-getting fatter, c-chubbier!" He hiccuped, burying his head inside Taehyung's chest, "H-Hyungie is so handsome!!!" Jungkook sobbed more furiously.

Taehyung choked on his own spit, "What does it has to do with my handsomeness?" He wanted to laugh so bad at the natural cuteness of the boy but at the same time he's worried about the boy.

Jungkook raised his head from Taehyung chest, eyes glistening with tears as he sniffled, "H-Hyungie is h-handsome...Many p-people will love y-you, then you won't l-love me anymore!!"

Taehyung let out a deep sigh, "Petal, when did you start worrying about these questions? You clearly know how much hyungie loves you, right?"

Jungkook stared at Taehyung with his wide bambi eyes, beads of tears hanged on his long eyelashes, "R-Really?"

"Yes, petal," Taehyung placed a soft kiss on Jungkook's forehead, "I really really love you."

Jungkook jutted his lips out, shaking his head furiously, "N-No, you don't l-love me, hyungie! You always scold me!" He puffed his cheeks out, scowling cutely at Taehyung.

A small chuckle slipped out from Taehyung's lips, "It's for your safety, petal. Do you know how clumsy you are? Your skin is sensitive also, remember last time you played with Sparkle without wearing pants and socks?"

"Sparkle carried me but she accidentally lost balance, so I fell on the ground!"

"And you got so many scratches on your legs and feet that time! My heart always clenched whenever you hurt yourself. So still think I don't love you?" Taehyung questioned, his eyebrows raised in a perfect arch.

Jungkook again shook his head furiously. He hugged Taehyung's waist with his short arms, "I love you too hyungie!"


"Please lay on the bed, Mr Jeon." Jungkook stared at the old man in front of him with doe eyes, before turning his gaze to Taehyung beside him who gesturing him to lay on the bed.

He followed the man's instruction, laying on the bed obediently. Doctor Lee sat beside Jungkook, grabbed the hem of Jungkook's clothes as he wants to lifted it up but a strong grip on his wrist startled him.

"What are you doing, Lee?" Taehyung growled, glaring the Doctor with his cold eyes.

Doctor Lee rolled his eyes at the possessive action of Taehyung. You might wonder why the doctor wasn't afraid of Taehyung. Yup, this doctor is the family doctor of the Kim Mafia, but he decided to open his own hospital so he left the mafia team.

"You're just as possessive as your dad. How can I check the baby without lifting his clothes up?" The doctor said sassily.

"Hyungie, where's your daddy and mommy by the way?" Jungkook asked Taehyung.

"They claimed that they want to travel all around the world so they just throw the mafia business to me then left me alone." Taehyung muttered out.

"I wanna meet them!" Jungkook yelled excitedly, bouncing on the soft bed below him.

Taehyung stared at the boy fondly, " They're coming back this Saturday," he pats Jungkook's hair.

The younger squealed out. "Can I check on the baby now?" Doctor Lee asked Jungkook, a small smile plastered on his face.

"Yes!" Jungkook nodded his head, lifting his hoodie up. "Doctor Lee, can you stop calling the baby 'the baby'? It's name is little peanut!"

"Alright alright." Doctor Lee chuckled at the cuteness of the boy.

"This gel is a bit cold." Doctor Lee warned before spreading the gel on Jungkook's belly. The boy shivered at the coldness on his belly.

"All done," the doctor wiped off the gel from his hand, "Ready to see little peanut, Jungkookie?" Jungkook nodded his head rapidly.

"Look at the screen there, kookie. Can you see it? The little black dot?" Doctor Lee asked as he move the electronic wand on Jungkook's belly. "That's little peanut!"

"Woah...Hyungie, it's so small!" Jungkook giggled out as he turned his head to the male beside him.

Taehyung smiled at the boy, but his smile dropped when he saw a frown on Doctor Lee's face.

"Is anything wrong with little peanut, Lee?" Taehyung asked the doctor.

Doctor Lee let out a small breath, "Congrats, Master Taehyung," he pats Taehyung's shoulder with his hand, making Jungkook and Taehyung looked at him confusingly.


"There are two little peanut in Jungkook's belly," Doctor Lee explained, "Or should I said, congratulations for having twins for the first pregnancy, Master Taehyung."

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