Chapter 13

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"Company?" Jungkook stared at Taehyung who's busy tying his tie around his neck.

"Yeah. I heading back to my company today. Can't leave the CEO seat empty for so long, right?" Taehyung crouched down, running his fingers through Jungkook's fluffy smooth hair.

Jungkook pouted, "Then I'll be alone again..." he fiddled his fingers, eyes lit up when an idea popped up in his mind, "Can I go with you, hyungie?"

Taehyung pursed his lips, debating whether he should take Jungkook with him or not. He sighed heavily, feeling himself gave up when Jungkook showed him his sparkling doe eyes. "Yes you can, precious."

Jungkook literally jumped up from his sitting position. "Let's go then!" He grabbed Taehyung's wrist, dragging him but halted his steps when Taehyung snaked his arm around his tiny waist.

"Are you planning to go out with this outfit, petal?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook looks at the large hoodie (which belongs to Taehyung) that reaches his his mid thigh, "Yeah?"

Taehyung's grip tighten up around Jungkook's waist. "You didn't even wear a shorts?"

"I did!" Jungkook argued, lifting the hem of his hoodie up, revealing a pair of baby pink shorts. Taehyung's eyes darkened as he stares at Jungkook's long slender legs, staring at the smooth milky surface.

"I told you many times, right?" Taehyung runs his hand from Jungkook's knees to his peachy ass, landing soft kisses to Jungkook's soft neck, "Every part of your body belongs to mine. Do you know how gorgeous, how attractive you're looking right now? Now now, still planning to wear my hoodie without changing a better one?"

"B-But I love to wear your hoodie...It's comfy..." Jungkook whimpered out of sensitivity as Taehyung bites a spot on his neck rather harshly.

"I know, baby," Taehyung licked the soft ear shell of Jungkook, "But I'll never allow you wear such revealing outfit." He gives a few pats on Jungkook's ass, "Change it now."

Jungkook pouted but still follows Taehyung's demand obediently. "All done!" He said after he changed his previous clothes to a pastel pink sweater along with leggings.

Taehyung nodded his head satisfyingly. He picked Jungkook up, "Let's go then!"


Taehyung arrived to the company with Jungkook still in his arms. Employees inside the company immediately lined up, bowing at the mafia boss. Taehyung walked into his company like how he usually do while the bunny in his arms just stared around the huge fancy building with his eyes as wide as saucers.

"This company belongs to you, hyungie?" Jungkook asked, gasping out cutely when he earned a nod from Taehyung.

"It's so beautiful!" A bunny smile decorated on Jungkook's face.

Taehyung smiled fondly at Jungkook's action, "Glad that you like it, baby." His smile was soon replaced by a cold glare on his face when he found many employees of him staring Jungkook with 'lustful' eyes.

"Keep your heads down now!" He demanded, his deep but loud voice sounds extra scary to everyone presented in the company. They immediately tugged their head down in fear.

"H-Hyungie? Why did you scold them?" Jungkook asked confusingly. Some of the employees internally squealed when they heard Jungkook's cherry voice.

"They should know their place, petal." Taehyung said, voice turned to softer and gentler one. He walked to his cabin, ignoring the glances from some employees.

"Reina, do we have any meeting today?" He asked his secretary.

Reina glanced up nervously. "You have a meeting with Mr Lim and others partner of yours today, Mr Kim." She replied, eyes darting to Jungkook's cute face, trying to press down the squeal that about to slip out from her mouth as she continue studies Jungkook's features.

Taehyung fake coughed, a sign of telling Reina to stop staring at Jungkook. "When will it held?"

"5 minutes later, Mr Kim." Reina said with her head now tugging down.

"Prepare the meeting room then. Prepare some snacks and a bottle of banana milk also. And the snacks should not contain any peanuts, got it?" Taehyung asked.

Before Reina could utters any words, Jungkook spoke up first, "Can I have some dried strawberries too?" He asked, eyes still held sparkles like it always did.

"Sure you can, baby," Taehyung pecked Jungkook's chubby cheeks while Reina listed down every snacks she could thought of in her little note pad.

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