Chapter 11

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Jungkook's nose scrunched up when a ray of sunshine was shone on his face. He pouted, rubbing his eyes softly to clear his eyesight. He sits up from his laying position with his hair as messy as a bird nest.

He tried to reach the mug on the table as he was craving for some water but his hand accidentally pushed down one of the mug. The mug landed on the floor with a loud crashing sound, making him flinches at the sudden voice. A few black suit men rushed to Jungkook when they heard the crashing sound, startling the male further.

"Are you okay, Master Jungkook?" An older male among the bodyguards team asked, bowing down in process.

Jungkook could only stared at them with his wide bambi eyes, backing away further from the black suit guys. Tears instantly filled up in his eyes when he saw so many unfamiliar face, "W-Who are you?!" His voice sound extra hoarse as his throat was dry as hell.

"I'm the leader of this guard team. My name is Lim Woosung, But you can call me whatever you want." Woosung said, head still tugged down.

"Guard team?" These informations were too much for a just awake Jungkook. He removed the blanket that pooled on his lap, trying to stand up but get halted by the Woosung guy.

"Master Jungkook, please allow me to clean the glass shreds before letting you step down on the floor." Woosung said politely. He waste no time to pick up every single glass shreds, putting them on a side which no one would step on it.

While Jungkook just stared at him, mind still foggy. He wants some accompaniment, someone who he knows. "Where's Taetae hyungie?"

"Do you mean Sir Taehyung?" Jungkook nodded his head eagerly.

"I believe Sir Taehyung was too occupied with his works, Master Jungkook. Perhaps, you want someone else to accompany you?"

Jungkook's bottom lip was jutted out as he shook his head, "Only want Taetae hyungie..." his eyes lit up when he remembered someone, "Where's Jinnie hyung and Yoongi hyungie by the way?"

"If you mean Mister Seokjin and Mister Yoongi, they were both in their room resting as Sir Taehyung just now requested them to do so." Woosung spoke, pouring water into another mug, handing it to Jungkook while the boy whispered out a small 'thank you' to him.

"Can you...take me to Taetae hyungie?" Jungkook asked after gulping down the water.

"I think I couldn't-" Jungkook immediately pouted, sadness filled up his eyes. He grabbed Woosung's sleeve, tugging it softly. "Please?" He tilted his head to sideways, showing the guard his famous puppy eyes.

Woosung coughed, trying to stop the heat spreading on his cheeks, "I-I would try my best, Master Jungkook," He stammered, mind still filled with the cute pouting face of Jungkook.

"Really? Thank you so much!! Sungie hyung!" A bunny smile decorated on Jungkook flawless face, while he's bouncing on the bed excitedly.

Woosung choked on his own spit at the nickname that given by Jungkook, "P-Pardon me, Master Jungkook. W-What did you just call me?"

"Sungie hyung! You don't like it?" Jungkook fiddles his fingers on his lap, biting his lips in process.

Woosung let out an awkward laugh. He received various of nickname from his colleagues and master but this one is a new one. "N-No! I just...quite taken back by the name you gave me."

"I'm happy that you like it, Sungie hyung!" He stood up on the floor by his socked feet, "Can we go see Taetae hyungie now?"

"Allow me to call him and ask him first, Master Jungkook." Woosung fished out his mobile phone from his pocket, dialling the mafia's boss number, putting the speaker on.

Not for long, Taehyung accepted the call. "What is it, Lim? I'm busy now." Taehyung's deep voice boomed around the room. Every single guard found it scary, even Woosung himself shivered at the deep deadly voice of the mafia boss, only the cute bunny boy on the bed found the male's voice was very sexy and manly.

"Hyungie! It's me!" Jungkook squealed out.

"Precious? Whatcha doing there? You sound very excited." Taehyung said, voice changing into softer and more gentle one.

"I just woke up! Where are you, hyungie? Can I see you right now?"

"I am..." Taehyung gazed at the bloody male he was holding right now, "I'm a little busy right now, precious."

By hearing Taehyung's statement, Jungkook pouted, "Fine...Then can I go to the garden?"

"No garden nor anywhere else for today, precious. Stay in the medical room until I finished my work, alright?"

"Why?" Jungkook asked, tilting his head to the sideways while his pout went harder.

"Baby, you need a good rest after having an allergic reaction. Take a nap later, when you open your eyes, hyungie will be right beside you, okay?" Taehyung stated, trying his best to make the boy happier.

"Then can I chat with Sungie hyung?" Jungkook again asked.

Taehyung pokes his inner cheeks with his tongue, instantly feeling jealous at the nickname that given by Jungkook. He doesn't like it when the bunny make out a cute nickname for other males, "No you can't, bunny. And don't call Lim Woosung Sungie hyung anymore."

Woosung's ear perked up when his name were mentioned. He can't help but think, it's Sir Taehyung getting jealous of a single nickname?

"But-" "No more buts, petal. One more protest, I'll will give you one more punishment."

Heat rushes up to Jungkook's face when he heard punishment. "Is the punishment as same as the one you gave me before? If yes...C-Can I have m-more punishment?" His face was as red as beetroot, feeling extra shy when he uttered out his last sentence.

Taehyung on the other hand instantly feel hard after hearing Jungkook's words. Dirty words that came out from Jungkook's innocent mouth sounds nothing but a tease to him.

He runs his fingers through his hair, ruffling it in a harsh way. A groan let out from his parted lips when he feels his crotch area getting harder. He let go of the bloody male that he has been holding like a sack of potato, throwing him away.

"Hyungie? Why are you groaning? Are you hurt?!" Jungkook's innocent and worried tone make Taehyung feel more aroused.

"I-I'm okay, precious. No more mentions about punishment, alright? Hyungie is busy now, I'll come and see you later."

Jungkook jut out his lips, "Fine...Promise me you'll come here as soon as possible?"

"I promise. Gotta go now, rest well, bun." Taehyung hung up the call in a rush way. Well, of course he was rushing. He has some important 'business' to deal with.

"Why hyungie sounds so rushed?" Jungkook handed back the mobile phone to Woosung, asking the male.

Woosung who guessed everything out through their conversation decided not to taint the innocence of the little bunny. "I think Sir Taehyung got something really urgent to deal with."

Jungkook huffed, "I guess I need to wait for him..."

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