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5 years later...
"Kim Taeyeon! Stop stealing your brother's toys!" Jungkook scolded his daughter, arms putting on the both side of his hip while the little girl pouted hardly.

"But Kim Junghae stole my plushies too! I just stole one of his cars and he's crying now." Taeyeon rolled her eyes, making Jungkook scoffed in disbelief.

"Did you just-Oh gosh-You rascal, you rolled your eyes at me?!" Jungkook fanned himself, trying his best not to get angry. He felt someone tugged his shirt. He turned over, it was Junghae who's still bawling his eyes out, "D-Don't be a-angry, mommy..."

"Oh my baby Junghae, I'm not angry at anyone," he gestured Taeyeon to come forward while the little girl go towards her mommy's embrace unwillingly, "Mommy just want you guys to love each other, treat each other with kindness. I'm sure Junghae wasn't mad at your noona now, right?"

Junghae shook his head furiously, "N-Not anymore! J-Junghae loves n-noona!"

Taeyeon coughed a little, blushing hardly, "N-Noona is sorry for stealing your toys too. Next time just share it."

Jungkook smiled fondly at the twins who started hugging each other right now, "Now wasn't it better to stay mad with each other?"

"Yes it is, mommy!" They both said in unison.


"Hyungie~ Don't you think Taeyeon and Junghae personality just exchange with each other?" Jungkook whined, rubbing his face against Taehyung's chest.

"I don't think so, petal. Taeyeonie is cute with that feisty attitude." Taehyung stroked Jungkook's fluffy hair with his fingers.

"But Junghae is not manly at all! Sometimes I wonder whether is Taeyeon a boy or Junghae! You see, Junghae loves plushies but Taeyeon loves car, robots and hates barbie dearly!" Jungkook stated dramatically.

"Baby, who cares if Taeyeonie is manly and Junghae is girly? I love both of them as much as I love you petal!" Taehyung cupped Jungkook's cheeks, placing many kisses on his fluffy cheeks.

Jungkook giggled out, "You're right, hyungie! I love you too!"

10 years later...
"Hello, can I know where the headmaster's room is?" Jungkook asked one of the teacher, panting softly as he ran all the way to the school.

"Go straight and turn left, you see the room there!" The teacher replied, smiling softly.

"Thank you so much!" Jungkook again ran, rushing towards the headmaster's room. He knocked the door, stepping inside, "I'm here for Kim Taeyeon and Kim Junghae!"

Jungkook gulped nervously when he saw the strict gaze of the headmaster. His gaze averted to two of his children, Taeyeon was wearing a pissed face while Junghae's eyes were glassy, cheeks rosy pink.

"Mr Kim right?" Jungkook nodded his head at the headmaster's question.

"Your daughter is giving me huge headache! I don't know why but she fought with the most bulky student in her class and look at her, she's not even hurt but that student was sent to the hospital! Care to explain this situation to me, Mr Kim?"

Jungkook was about to speak but Taeyeon was quicker than him, "Mom, that guy was courting Junghae! He even touched Junghae's ass-" "N-Noona, I said i-its okay, right?" Junghae tugged Taeyeon's sleeve, tears threatening to fall from his eyes again.

"No it's definitely not okay, Junghae!" This time, Jungkook spoke. "Is it true that the guy touched Junghae?" He asked Taeyeon while the girl nodded her head eagerly.

"I don't think there's anything left to explain, headmaster. I would never allow anyone to harass my child." Jungkook stated, glaring at the headmaster.

"But-" "I'll call my husband to explain more if you want but I don't want to waste my time on stupid matter. Let's go." Jungkook turned his heels as Taeyeon and Junghae followed him.


"You did great this time, Taeyeonie." Jungkook said to his daughter while the girl beamed.

"Really? I thought you'll scold me!" Taeyeon let out a breath of relief.

"You know how sensitive your brother is, so it's good when you always protect him. But remember Taeyeon, you're a girl. You can't act too manly okay?"

"Alright alright, mom."Taeyeon replied, fishing her phone out of her bag as she started playing it.

Jungkook smiled at the carefree action of his daughter, feeling genuinely happy at this moment right now.

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