Chapter 30

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"Put me down, hyungie!"

Taehyung ignored the bunny who's rambling in his embrace as he walked towards the garden with wide steps.

"I can walk! I wanna walk!" Jungkook yelled out, feeling extra grumpy today cause Taehyung woke him up very early today. He's still in his silk pajamas as he glared at Taehyung. "Hyungie! Stop being a meanie!!!" Jungkook hits Taehyung's chest with his small fists but his punch means nothing but tickle to Taehyung.

Taehyung stifled a small laugh when he heard Jungkook was quiet right now. Probably felt tired after throwing a huge tantrum. He thought.

They arrived to the garden. Taehyung carefully puts Jungkook down, shocked when he saw Jungkook was crying. "Petal, why are you crying?" He wants to cup Jungkook's cheeks but his hands got poorly swatted away by Jungkook.

"Hyungie is a huge meanie!" Jungkook sniffled, "Y-You don't let me walk w-when I told you and you woke me u-up so early today!" He stomped his feet on the ground, slapping Taehyung's bicep with his small hand.

Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's wrist, "Baby, do you know today is what day?"

Jungkook used his other hand to wipe of his tears, "W-What day?"

"Your birthday, petal!" Taehyung ruffled Jungkook's fluffy hair, "Did you forget about it?"

Jungkook huffed, "It's not my birthday! Today is 9th of August! My birthday is 1st of September!"

Taehyung stared at Jungkook in disbelief, "Petal, when is the last time you checked the calendar?"

A small frown decorated on Jungkook's face, "Last month?"

Taehyung chuckled out, shaking his head in defeat, "Today it's not 9th of August, baby. It's 1st of September, your birthday!" He cupped Jungkook's chubby cheeks while the boy was stunned, staring at Taehyung with his wide bambi eyes.

He beamed, "It's my birthday?!" His smile went wider when Taehyung nodded his head, "Can I have a cake then?"

"I already prepared everything for you petal. That's why I brought you here!" Taehyung intertwined his fingers with Jungkook's one, leading him inside the deeper side of the garden. Tall bushes were around them. Jungkook gasped out when he saw a swing that decorated with various flower was in front of him.

"This is so beautiful, hyungie..." Jungkook's mouth gaped open as he tugged Taehyung's shirt, staring at the mafia boss with his sparkling eyes.

He ran towards the swing, earning a small warning from the older, "Be careful petal. Don't run too fast."

Jungkook slower down his speed, immediately sat down on the swing happily. "Push the swing, hyungie!"

Taehyung smiled fondly at the cute action of the boy. He stood behind Jungkook, pushing the swing with his large hand softly.
"Hyungie, push it harder~" Jungkook whined, tilting his head backwards to meet Taehyung's gaze.

"I can't push it too hard, petal. It's dangerous." Jungkook jutted his lips out after hearing Taehyung's statement.

Seeing Jungkook's pouting face, "Petal, stop sulking okay? I have more presents for you." Taehyung stopped pushing the swing, tracing his fingers on Jungkook's smooth cheeks.

Jungkook's eyes lit up, "Really?! What did you prepare, hyungie?"

"It's a secret~" Taehyung winked at Jungkook, a small teasing smile plastered on his face.

"Meanie," Jungkook muttered, pouting again as he stood up. He walked pass Taehyung, stomping on the ground extra hardly as he was really frustrated now.

"Baby~" Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jungkook's waist, "It's not fun anymore if you know the present so early, right?"



"Happy birthday, kook." Yoongi ruffled Jungkook's hair as he passed the boy the beautiful wrapped present. He was about to place a small kiss on Jungkook's forehead but he got pushed away by Taehyung.

Taehyung and Yoongi both glared at each other, while the birthday boy was concentrating on unwrapping the present. He gasped again when he saw the present was actually a huge box of chocolate.

A wide bunny smile decorated on his face, "Thank you, hyungie!"

Taehyung and Yoongi stared at the cute bunny smile of Jungkook, heart instantly melted, "You're welcome, kook." Yoongi said, earning a cute nod from the boy.

Jungkook opened his mouth, wanting to say something but a small 'meow' interrupted him. He looked down, eyes widen when he saw a kitten was staring at him with its blue eyes.

He squealed, lifting the kitten up with his hands, "It's this the present you want to give me, hyungie?!" Jungkook asked Taehyung, eyes never leaving the cute kitten that keep meowing at him,

"No it's not, petal-" "It's from us, baby!" Mrs Kim and Mr Kim popped out from nowhere said to Jungkook.

"Thank you, eomma and appa!" Jungkook squealed when Mrs Kim landed a small peck on his cheeks.

"Whatcha wanna call it, petal?" Taehyung asked the boy who was busy cooing at the kitten.

Jungkook's eyebrows were creased to a frown as he was thinking hard. He stared at the blue eyes of the kitten, "I'll call him Blue then!"


It's almost 12 o'clock and Jungkook still haven't receive Taehyung's present. "Hyungie~ Please tell me right now~ I hate waiting..." Jungkook pleaded the mafia boss as the male shook his head firmly.

"Few more minutes will do, petal."

"You said that just now, hyungie." Jungkook grumbled, cherry lips jutted out as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Because you literally asked that the same question again and again, petal. That's why you get the same answer." Taehyung said as he caressed the smooth waist of Jungkook.

Jungkook huffed loudly, placing his chin on Taehyung's shoulder. They stayed in this position for a while, until Taehyung decided to speak, "Want to get present now?"

Jungkook nodded his head eagerly, "Yes hyungie!"

Taehyung smiled, grabbed Jungkook's wrist as he leads him to the balcony. The cold breeze hits them but none of them shivered at the coldness.

Taehyung kneeled down with one knee, hands grabbing Jungkook's softer one as he placed a kiss on it, "Petal, do you know how much hyungie loves you?"

"I know, hyungie!" Though Jungkook was confused with Taehyung's action, he still replied his question obediently.

"Do you love hyungie then?"

Jungkook nodded his head firmly, "I love you!"

Taehyung smiled. He fished out a small velvety box from his pocket, opened it as he show it to Jungkook. The younger gasped out when he saw the shiny ring that placed in the box, "H-Hyungie?"

"It might be really lame and cringe to purpose to you like that but do you, Jeon Jungkook, willing to marry me, willing to be lawfully mine?"

As soon as Taehyung finished his question, a set of fireworks appeared on the sky, shining extra strangely in the night.

Jungkook's eyes were teary. He stared at the perfectly sculpted face of Taehyung, "I do..." he whispered out. They both let out a small laugh, eyes filled with tears. A single tear slipped out from Taehyung's eyes when he heard Jungkook's answer. He quickly stood up from his kneeling position, hugging Jungkook tightly.

Jungkook acknowledged two things today. First thing, this is the best present he ever received in his life. Second thing, the big bad mafia boss Kim Taehyung cries too...

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