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Somewhere in the vast universe, a giant spaceship is flying through an asteroid field when suddenly they strike one.

"Crew, brace for impact!" The captain says. The spaceship suddenly hits an asteroid. The ship starts to sputter and falls from the sky. "Is everyone ok? This is Captain T'vor we have hit an asteroid and will be crashing on planet E-001. Once we enter the atmosphere I want cloaking tech activated until we land. We don't want any unnecessary attention drawn to us."

"T'vor! A moment please." T'vor heads over to his first in command and his wife Ve'ki. "What are we going to do? When we crash land we can't go out there like this. What do you suppose we do?"

"We can go to one of the nearest civilisations and study the beings of planet E-001. Once that's done we'll be able to take their forms."

"Ok good to see you thought this through."

Please brace for impact. Please brace for impact.

"Everyone get ready, we're going in." The spaceship enters the atmosphere of planet E-001. There is a loud crash. A near by farmer looks out his window but doesn't notice anything strange.

"Ugghh is-is everyone ok?"

"Yeah we're good. You?"

"I'm good. I want you guys to stay here while I scope out the terrain." Captain T'vor heads out of the ship and towards a large set of buildings. "Hmm, Ben-telly Star-te Coll-eg. What is this place? Some sort of observatory?" T'vor entered into the gate. He finds a building with a light on. He slowly moves around the building with his laser gun ready. "No, I don't care if it's a sausage dog, they are not allowed at this school. I am sorry ma'am." The man puts his phone down. T'vor sets his gun to kill and enters the room. "Who er, what the hell are you?"

"That's none of your concern bipedal." He shoots his laser gun and the man instantly dies. "Hmm, perfect. The alien grabs a scanning device and scans the lifeless person in front of him.

Reading complete. Species: human, name: Greg Howton, Job: Principal of Bentley State school. Would you like to commence body shift?

"Yes." He says.

Commencing body shift.

T'vor's body starts to move in different ways creating the physical form of a human being. He was no longer T'vor. He was now Trevor. "Hmm, I need a last name, it is custom for the human beings to have a last name. How about Man? No that's a little to weird. Manny? No! Oh I got it Trevor Manning. Yeah perfect."

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