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I've been on the run for almost two years now. How ironic that my life would end in the same amount of years that I'd been at school when all this started. I have really missed all my friends and my family. This isn't how I thought things would go. But alas, here I am. On the top of the mountain. Alone at the edge of this universe. I just hope my actions are justified. If anyone finds this, I want you to know that Trevor deserved to die. He had murdered someone and taken their place, stolen hundreds of children's lives and murdered my friend. I hope people will understand what I went through. I'm the last one here. Once I'm gone. All this will be over. I can't believe I didn't see it earlier. I keep thinking about what I could've done to save everyone that day. Maybe if I had done something different, then... maybe nothing would have been different at all. To my parents, I love you and I wish I could see your faces one more time. Wane's mum. I'm sorry that on that day. I wasn't able to save your son. I am also sorry to all those other parents who lost a child that day. I just hope that you can all find peace once the smoke clears. I will see you all on the other side. This is my final goodbye. Signed- Jacob R O'Callie

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