02. sunnyvale assholes

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( ! sunnyvale assholes ! )

ANNIE DID NOT want to go to Sunnyvale, this she knew

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ANNIE DID NOT want to go to Sunnyvale, this she knew. She feared a bit for what she would do to any Sunnyvaler who tried to mess with her. But, Kate, Deena, and Simon would all be going so Annie figured her only source of entertainment would be across the metaphorical tracks.

Hopping onto the bus, she got looks from some of the football players, one stupidly deciding to voice an opinion. "What are you even doing here? You're not in band or on the team and you're obviously not a cheerleader." Annie gave a sarcastic smile back, her leather jacket she had found in her locker now over the rest of her attire.

"Moral support, jackass." Annie responded, sending the boy the bird all the way to her seat next to Simon. Annie looked back a bit to see Deena with her headphones on so she quickly decided not to bother the girl. Annie ushered for the boy to scoot a bit, giving herself more room and pulling shirt towards her, smashing his face into hers.

Kate made her way towards the two and rolled her eyes at the sight of them just there making out, finding that now she wouldn't exactly be able to talk to any of her friends.

The bus started and they made their way to Sunnyvale.

"THIS ISN'T HOW I wanted to be here tonight. I wanted to be here as a fan. Our Sunnyvale Devils and your Shadyside Witches throwing down some good old American football. Instead I find myself here as a husband, a father, as a neighbor. And, yes, mayor of Sunnyvale. And on behalf of all of the people in my town, I say all of Sunnyvale mourns with you."

Annie rolled her eyes, feeling Simons arm around her shoulder. "Yeah cause they all really look like they care." Simon nodded back to his whispering girlfriend as the two looked off at the Sunnyvalers. Football players and cheerleaders were the only ones there, and the only ones who were forced to go.

Annie only tuned back in when the same voice she had heard earlier that morning of Sheriff Goode began speaking up. "My family's been in Sunnyvale for generations, and now my brother is mayor and I am your sheriff. We've prospered here. And yet, I've seen you, our neighbors in Shadyside, suffer tragedy after tragedy."

Annie scoffed. "Not like he's done much to change that." Simon nodded again, he agreed completely with her. Sheriff Goode spoke as if they were on the same side, but they weren't. He grew up in Sunnyvale and didn't understand how Shadysiders often felt and never would.

"It's easy in times like this to drown in questions of why... why this happened. But I know too well there are no answers that will provide relief. There's no peace found in the past. We must not fall into darkness. We must look to the light." Goode continued, trying to bring the two communities together.

"Yeah! Why we should do is light a fuse and burn down Shittyside." Annie heard from a Sunnyvale football player. She looked over with a glare, one of her sides own football players speaking up. "What did you say?"

HAPPY ENDING ━━ fear street 1994, 1978, 1666Where stories live. Discover now