11. nick goodes plan

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( ! nick goodes plan ! )

COLOR WARS HAD officially begun but for the first year ever, James would not be participating

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COLOR WARS HAD officially begun but for the first year ever, James would not be participating. He wanted to help Ziggy and it wouldn't feel the same without Mary-Jane there.

The two had always used playing Color Wars as an excuse to run off into the woods and just goof around. If anyone from either team saw them, one would pretend to tag the other (depending on which side they were on) and they'd just find a new spot.

"You sure you don't wanna go play? I'm fine here to just do this." Ziggy stated, stirring the paint in the bigger bucket as she randomly added water into it. James shook his head, walking across the room. "No, I'm okay. I'd much rather hang out with you than go out there with all the children trying to win at something we've never won before."

Ziggy nodded, she was thankful. It seemed no matter how many times she fucked up or almost got James into trouble (or even when she did), he was always there ready to support her next choice. She was lucky to have him in her life and couldn't have been more excited to see him as a dad.

"So, I just realized I haven't really asked. How's it going with Mary-Jane and the baby?" Ziggy questioned, continuing to stir. James smiled a bit just at the thought of them. "Good, good. We decided on the name Annie."

"What if it's a boy?" Ziggy wondered, she was confused on how they could be so sure. James looked to his red headed friend. "I know she's gonna be a girl. I can feel it."

"Well then, she will be incredibly lucky to have you as her dad." Ziggy smiled. James smiled back, thankfully. "And she'll be lucky to have you as her godmother."

Ziggy looked to James, shocked. "Wait, seriously? What about Mary-Janes friends or—"

"Ziggy! We already talked about it and she agrees you'd make a great godmother if you wanted the role." James stated, cutting Ziggy off. She stood up suddenly and wrapped her arms around his shoulders in a tight hug. "I'd love that."

James pulled away. "Okay! Let's get back to epically getting back at Sheila for everything she's done to you." The two high-fived and Ziggy went back to pouring the rest of the paint into the bigger bucket.

James quickly went to refill the water bottle they had been using to change the consistency of the paint when there was a knock on the door. "Go away, Cindy!" Ziggy yelled, not even looking up.

"It's me. It's Nick." James heard from behind the door. Ziggy looked up confused. "Go away, Nick!" He ignored her and walked in, seeing the writing on her wall. "I like what you've done with the place." Nick stated, walking inside further. "Uh, where's your friend..." he stopped for a second to remember the name. "Uh, James!"

Ziggy just looked at him. "It wasn't me and he's in the other room." James couldn't really hear what was going on over the water. "Ziggy?"

"Is the water full?" She yelled back, directing her head towards the back room. James turned off the water, putting the lid back on the bottle and he walked back in. "Yup." He then noticed Nick. "Oh, hey man."

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