14. all the kings horses and all the kings men couldn't put her together again

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( ! all the kings horses and all the kings men couldn't put her together again ! )

CHAPTER FOURTEEN ( ! all the kings horses and all the kings men couldn't put her together again ! )

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CINDY HAD RAN out of the room and grabbed a shovel, running back in just as quickly. James stood from his seat, Alice and Ziggy doing the same before he handed one of his knives to Ziggy and kept hold of the other.

"Okay. Let's go." Cindy spoke, looking at James and Ziggy. Alice turned to her confused. "What, I have to use my hands?" Cindy shook her head. "No, you're staying here."

"Come on, I can hop just fine." Alice replied, showing off how she could hop. Cindy just looked back at her, a stern look plastered on her face. Alice frowned. "I watched my dad go to jail when I was six. I watched my mom steal... so I could eat. First time I cut myself I was 12. It was after... well, you know when. And now tonight... I watched your perfect boyfriend turn into a monster and kill the only person I've ever loved. I've waited... my whole fucking life for this. And now I've found it. Let me see this through. For Arnie... for Tommy... for Shadyside."

Cindy nodded. "For Shadyside." Cindy then turned and looked at Ziggy who smiled. "For Shadyside." Lastly all three girls looked to James and he found himself back in a similar situation to the earlier paint one. "Oh, yeah, one hundred percent. For Shadyside."

Cindys face suddenly morphed into one of terror. "Alice!" She screamed out and James looked up quickly right as Alice turned, Tommy's axe slashing her chest. Alice fell to the ground, blood oozing from her mouth.

Cindy ran forwards angrily while James and Ziggy held onto the other for protection. She hit Tommy in the face with her shovel, knocking him against the wall and causing the axe to leave his hands. He went towards her but Cindy, blinded by rage, jabbed the shovel into his neck and pushed him back against the wall.

"Fucking die!" Cindy cried, continuing to push the shovel into Tommy's neck. "Why won't you fucking die!" She screamed, shovel going all the way through Tommy's neck and severing his head.

James and Ziggy screamed, both watching as Tommy's body fell to the ground and his head rolled away from his body. James wanted to puke. Cindy stood there panting before falling down next to a bleeding out Alice. "No! Alice? Alice? Alice, just... just stay with me. Alice."

James bent down next to Ziggy, the two watching in horror as Alice's staggered breaths soon stopped. "No. Alice! Alice!" Cindy sobbed, holding onto her friend.

James looked at the scene sadly before he began hearing something. "You always hurt the one you love." Ziggy seemed to hear the same thing as she began sitting up, looking back towards the end of the kitchen. "What is that?"

"It sounds like... singing?" James added, questions coming into his racing brain. The creepy singing continued and Cindy began hearing it as well, turning her head to where the two younger kids were looking.

HAPPY ENDING ━━ fear street 1994, 1978, 1666Where stories live. Discover now