15. a full moon rises before nightfall

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( ! a full moon rises before nightfall ! )

PAIGE MARKS FOUND herself walking along the settlement with Abigail Berman when the Berman girl had seen her younger sister, Constance, and Paiges younger brother Oliver dancing around with the other kids singing about the Pastor

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PAIGE MARKS FOUND herself walking along the settlement with Abigail Berman when the Berman girl had seen her younger sister, Constance, and Paiges younger brother Oliver dancing around with the other kids singing about the Pastor.

Abigail had been quick to scold Constance. "Don't be a brat, Constance!" Constance glared back at her older sister. "Don't be a shrew, Abigail!" Paige gave her younger brother a small glance, letting him know to follow close.

"Abigail! Wait for the rest of the party why don't you?" Paige joked, running forwards a bit quicker, now with her brothers wrist in her hand. Abigail slowed down, she too was holding onto her younger sibling but Abigail had Constance by the arm.

"Sarah!" Abigail smiled, looking both ways to make sure only Sarah, Paige, herself, and the two younger teens could hear her next phrase. "A full moon rises before nightfall." Sarah smiled back, looking around quickly as well. "Good night to enjoy the fruits of the land."

Sarah then turned to Paige. "Will you be joining us as well this evening?" Paige matched Sarah's excited smile and nodded her head. "Of course, wouldn't miss it."

"I'm coming too! As is Oliver." Constance declared, turning to her sister quickly. Abigail looked back to her younger sibling just as fast. "No, you're not."

"Fine then I'm telling mother." Constance fought back. Abigail glared at her sister. "You tell mother and I'll cut your braids right off your head." The two sisters quickly walked off bickering.

Paige caught sight of Isaac and felt her smile widen. She quickly put her hands on Sarah's arm. "I'll see you this evening."

Sarah nodded, her attention quickly going to Hannah Miller.

Paige walked off, Oliver following after her. "So, speaking of what's happening tonight—" Paige sent her brother a quick glare. "You won't be going." Nodding his head quickly, Oliver spoke, "right, okay yes."

He then noticed his older sisters line of sight. "I'll see you back at home." Paige nodded, only half listening as she walked over to her lover. "A full moon rises before nightfall." Paige spoke smoothly, making sure no one was listening to either of the two.

Isaac looked up at the sound of her voice and a smile fell on his lips. He quickly dropped the shovel down that had been putting feces into a bucket. "Good night to enjoy the fruits of the land."

Isaac went to put his hands on Paiges waist, but she quickly stopped him, placing one of her hands on each of his arms. "You will be bathing before tonight, right?" Isaac, realizing why she had pushed his filthy hands away, nodded. The smile reappeared on Paiges face as she placed her lips on his, the two moving in sync with each other.

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