x6. the kiss

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( ! the kiss ! )

EXTRA CHAPTER SIX( ! the kiss ! )

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"OKAY, THREE... TWO... one!" Annie announced, slicing a small slit in the bottom of her beer can. She quickly tilted she head back and squeezed on the can as she chugged down the liquid inside.

Simon did the same from next to her, trying to slap his hand at her. Annie tried not to laugh and choke as she dodged Simons flying hand over and over again.

She quickly threw her now empty can on the ground and a satisfied smirk fell on her lips when she saw Simon was still drinking his. She wiped her lips quickly with a laugh, small coughs leaving her throat as she tried to keep the drink down.

Simon finished a second later, frowning when he saw that he still lost even after trying to cheat his way to victory. "And there it is folks, I am still the champion and Simon still, well, Simon still sucks."

Simon scoffed with a laugh. "Yeah, yeah. I'll beat you one of these days." Annies satisfied smile widened and she bit her lip as she walked backwards. "Highly doubt it. But it's good to set goals for yourself."

She turned around after that, walking down the isles with Simon following behind after her. Annie loved these nights. The two of them would just joke around and run around the store finding any and every way to have fun.

Sure, Deena and Kate have had to come and make sure they were still alive before as the girl's had called and when they didn't get an answer got worried the two had gone too far with their favorite game. That game happened to be take pills and see what they did.

But Simon and Annie even found that night fun. Kate and Deena had been furious after Annie had thrown up when they got there. But she had found it funny (which only made the two worried girls even more upset).

Annie just loved the freedom. She loved being away from her mom, not having to think about much, and she loved doing it with one of her best friends.

Though Simon loved it because he got to do it with her. It wasn't unknown to everyone in their little group, besides Annie of course, that Simon was into her. Most people they knew could probably tell.

But Annie had never really seen it. It wasn't that she was super oblivious, her mind was just always going from thing to thing that she never found time to sit with herself and think it over.

Sure, if anyone ever asked Annie would tell them Simon was cute. It's cause it was true, she wasn't blind. But she had never thought about it anymore than that. She loved their dynamic and didn't want it to change.

But that was all he wanted. He wanted to be able to tell her how pretty she looked without it being awkward or he wanted to be able to take her hand in his just because. He wanted to be with her, but he didn't know how to ask.

HAPPY ENDING ━━ fear street 1994, 1978, 1666Where stories live. Discover now