08. supermarket battle to end all battles

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( ! supermarket battle to end all battles ! )

ANNIE STOOD BEHIND the counter for the pharmacy in the Grab & Bag Simon worked at

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ANNIE STOOD BEHIND the counter for the pharmacy in the Grab & Bag Simon worked at. Kate, Deena, Sam, and Josh were all on the other side as Simon was grabbing some pills to help kill Sam. "A few months ago, my brother Timothy had an unfortunate experience in which he ingested too much of a certain substance. He was dead for two minutes. But..." Simon did a small drum roll on the counter. "We got him back!"

Simon handed Annie some of the pill bottles he had grabbed, having her help organize them as he had just dropped them onto the counter. Annie quickly understood and began making them all a bit neater so Kate could grab stuff better.

She had often found herself hanging out late nights with Simon on nights she didn't have to work and he did. They'd run around the store or even sometimes try random pills to see what they did (which usually ended in Kate or Deena having to come make sure they didn't die).

Annie and Simon had had their first kiss in this very store. It was the place they found had always been their special place. It was where the feels began and developed to what they were today.

"Kate. It's time for your close-up." Deena instructed and Kate nodded, a small smile falling on her face. So Kate began. She opened different bottles one after the other, now having an easier time finding what she needed after Annie grouped them together.

"You need to take these in order. Pile one takes the edge off. You're gonna feel like you're being fucked by a unicorn." Simon described, pulling the small first pile Kate made a bit away so it didn't get mixed with the next pile to come. Sam nodded, taking in the information.

"Pile two is gonna bring your core temp way down. You may feel slightly sick." Simon continued, now moving pile two away a bit and putting it near pile one. "Now, you need to take a five-minute interval between pile two and pile three. That's really important, okay? Pile three brings you down and out, so you gotta take that "take five" or it's all gonna go to shit!" Simon moved pile three next to pile two.

Annie watched as Sam and Deena both looked over the piles carefully, keeping Simons words in mind. "How many do we have?" Kate wondered, now holding the EpiPens that would need to be stuck in Sams leg to bring her back.

Simon grabbed the EpiPens. "Tons! Like a thousand." Deena looked at him confused. "Wait. EpiPens?" Simon pointed to her, now holding some of them in his hand. "Epinephrine, also known as adrenaline. This is why brings her back. This is Jesus!"

Deena nodded, understanding. Now all that was left to do was set the bait, also known as everyone but Deena and Sam.

Sam cut her hand again, showing the wound to the four who needed it. Annie put two fingers into the blood, not looking as she then turned to Simon and began marking an X on his chest. Simon smiled at Annie. "We'll be okay." Annie nodded, not looking up to his eyes as she finished the X.

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