x3. ziggy meets annie

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( ! ziggy meets annie ! )

EXTRA CHAPTER THREE( ! ziggy meets annie ! )

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ANNIE WAS A mess. It had been two weeks and she had never cried more. Simon and Kate were gone. And to make matters worse they were being blamed for it all.

It didn't even make sense. There was no way anyone could do all that damage and then die the ways that Simon and Kate did.

But Annie just missed them. She was so fucking tired. She just wanted them back.

It felt like she was taking it the hardest. Deena and Sam were sad of course but they were also focusing on their future together. Josh was sad too, Annie knew it, but he also put his attention into other things.

Yet Annie couldn't seem to distract herself for even a second without feeling extremely guilty. As if she was disrespecting their memories for feeling anything but pain.

She knew they'd want her to be happy, but happiness was just an idea now.

Annie had also cut herself off a bit from the rest of the group. It didn't feel the same to spend time with them when Simon and Kate weren't there.

Josh, Deena, and Sam had respected it. They all knew how when Annie lost someone she shut down a bit and tried to not think about it. It's what she had been doing with her dads death her whole life and she had never even met him.

And she hated that this time she couldn't do that. She couldn't ignore that they once existed. It killed her more to think about forgetting them than remembering.

So it definitely surprised Annie when her phone rang one day and it was Deena, who sounded a bit too calm as she told Annie Sam had been possessed like the killers. "C. Berman called me back. We are going to go see her and see if she can help with Sam. You think you can come?" Deena had questioned. She had phrased her question carefully for the sake of her friend.

Annie had agreed. She needed to do something besides lay around and cry, she knew that. And she needed to help Sam. Because Sam was her friend and she couldn't loose another friend.

So when the night came, Annie stood next to Deena by Deenas car in the front yard of C. Bermans home. "Okay what's the grunting in the trunk?" Annie questioned, turning to said trunk.

She had gotten right into the car from her house when Deena and Josh picked her up so she was very confused. Deena sighed sadly and lifted the trunk, showing a very very pale Sam who was thrashing around with her hands and feet tied up.

Annies eyes widened, that definitely wasn't what she had expected to see. She knew they wanted help for Sam, but she didn't know they'd be bringing Sam.

Deena put the trunk back down and Josh handed each girl a flashlight. Annie now turned to him confused. "Why do we need flashlights? Aren't we just going to knock on the door?"

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