04. the hospital

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( ! the hospital ! )

LEAVING THE CAR and going towards the hospital, Annie definitely didn't like the atmosphere the run-down looking place was giving off

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LEAVING THE CAR and going towards the hospital, Annie definitely didn't like the atmosphere the run-down looking place was giving off. It looked like the perfect place to get murdered, in her opinion (even she could see the irony).

Upon entrance, Annie connected her arm with Kates. The two stood behind Deena, who walked up to the lady sitting behind the receptionist desk. But, said lady didn't seem to be paying much attention to anything or anyone besides her nails.

Deena stood there for a second longer before ringing the small bell on the desk, causing the women (without even looking up) to grab a clipboard with paperwork and push it towards Deena. "Fill these out and take a seat."

"No, I'm just visiting." Deena replied, pushing the clipboard away from herself a bit. The lady, going right back to her nails, spoke again. "Visiting hours ended at nine."

Kate untangled her arm from Annie's and cleared her throat, moving up to the desk. She put both hands on the desk and connected her fingers. "Tell Nurse Beddy she has a patient."

The women looked up, finally, giving Kate a look before going onto her phone to call Beddy down. Annie turned away from the nurse, finding entertainment from Simon and Josh. Well, mostly Simon messing with Josh and Josh not exactly enjoying it.

A few minutes passed and Annie turned her attention when hearing footsteps. She turned around and saw a nurse in a full pink uniform, a B added before eddy to the name tag they had on their chest.

Kate nodded towards Beddy. "Beddy. Long time, how you been?" Beddy looked over at Simon before looking back at Kate. "Still toting around with this moron."

"She can't quit me, Beddy. I'm- I'm too pretty!" Simon responded, a smile on his face as he put his arms out wide. Beddy just scoffed amused, catching as Simons hand ended up in Annie's.

"Listen, we need your assistance." Kate stated. Beddy moved towards the girl a bit. "I'm sure that you do, but there happens to be a new security protocol. We kept coming up short on blueberries and bananas. So now I need a special key-"

"I need to see a patient." Deena interrupted, getting closer to nurse Beddy. She looked them dead in the eyes and just waited for the way. The two stared at each other for a bit before Beddy nodded. "Okay. Patient name?"

"Sam Fraser."

Beddy nodded and went behind the front desk. They quickly looked at the list of patients and their rooms before spotting Sams name and room number. Leaving from behind the desk, Beddy ushered for Deena to follow along.

Deena was quick to do so, leaving the other four to standby, waiting. Annie slipped her leather jacket on, finding the atmosphere to be making her cold. Josh stepped towards Kate, a bit confused. "Blueberries and bananas?"

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