Chapter 5: Mischief, mayhem and madness

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Hello fabulous creatures.
Autumn is here! Witching month is upon us, and I wish you all be blessed by Hecate.


Delphi had the most wonderful song in her head. She couldn't remember the original words and she'd wandered off the original melody too but who needed that when your mind can explore every intonation on its own.
The tune had come to her in class and with it an urge to dance. And when you're considered crazy already, those urges are yours to follow and she did, once the charms lesson had ended.
The music had led her feet in something similar to a jig and she'd chased the feeling of energy and adventure down one staircase and across another hall, dancing as she went.

It was wonderful to embrace moments like these, the confused stares of nearby students hardly registering as drums joined the strong melody carried on the violin in her mind.
It was just getting to the height of the song when the shout pulled her back and the sound was gone as soon as it had come.

"Hold up, Lovegood!"

She spun to glare at George Weasley who'd followed her for 8 bars of perfect melody before ruining it, "George! Why did you interrupt me? The song was just getting to its most coppery!"
He seemed startled by her genuine annoyance. "S-sorry?"
Delphi pouted, and that reaction seemed to confuse him too. "Inspiration is rare and precious...surely you know this?"
He blinked, and then gave an awkward but genuine smile. "I do, I won't do it again."
Delphi stretched and brushed hair out her face, the eight cartwheels in a row had probably been the thing to undo her ponytail, but she didn't mind much.
In clearing away her hair she finally registered that her dance had taken her to one of the courtyards, the pair of them alone by a quiet fountain. She'd really been lost to have not noticed getting outside.

The sky was clear and weak rays of sunshine reached them. It would rain soon but there was little point telling the first years out on the grass, they wouldn't believe her anyway.
"I hope not," she informed the Weasley boy, "but that one is long gone and you shouldn't miss things that won't miss you. What can I do for you Mr Weasley?"
His expression suggested there were many things he wanted to ask, which intrigued her, but he settled for the thing he'd planned on saying. "We thought you'd want in on planning the pranking of the bumblebee. Since it's you commissioning us, you should get the gratification you desire."

Delphi did not want to befriend the twins, she had enough drama already in her life, and the amount of guilt she already shouldered for everyone soon to die before their time was plenty without actually getting emotionally attached to Fred Weasley.
But George said it was about a commission. She doubted she interested either guys much since they'd left her be for most of their lives, plus they were pretty serious about their business so this made sense.
Business not pleasure. That would be fine.
And Dumbledore deserved this.

"Alright then. Lead the way, it'll rain soon so I hope you've somewhere to plot indoors?"
George's glance skywards was dubious, but he led her indoors anyway and in the direction of the Transfiguration classrooms.
"Fred seems confident you can keep a secret, so we're letting you visit our secret base. I don't think you'll be able to memorise the route but if you do, I hope you'll keep it to yourself?"
"I'll take it to the grave." She replied with her cheeriest tone.
The younger twin narrowed his eyes at her, "do you do that on purpose?"
Delphi gave him her most vacant innocent smile, "do what?"
He snorted.
His aura had held strong tints of hostility and jealousy when he'd arrived but she was glad to see them fading a little. She wondered faintly what he'd envied she could possibly have.

To be honest, she knew relatively little of the future of the Weasley twins. Her visions were mostly focused around landmark events, births, deaths, battles...she'd get snatches of the mundane but not enough to piece together the future lives of everyone she met.
For the twins, who interacted rarely with Harry (whose near future she knew best), much of their lives were unclear.
She knew the twins gave Harry the Marauders map the year before, and that Fred danced with Angelina at the Yule ball. She knew Fred and George would open a joke shop in Diagon Alley. She knew in painful detail how Fred would die. And there was not a single vision of George after that to work out what happened to him but it wasn't to hard to guess.

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