Chapter 7: Good eggs, Bad eggs

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Delphi leant against a wall, in the shadow of a statue of a wizard clutching a loom.
She was smiling softly as she watched Harry stagger out of his meeting with the other champions and various useless adults, only to almost fall over as Hermione launched into him, squeezing the teen in a tight hug.
A worthwhile interference since the poor guy wouldn't have many allies for the next month.

Just as she watched the pair turn the corner she felt them coming and turned to smile brightly at the twins, and take a deep bow. They returned her bow with elegant curtsies that took her by surprise, but made her feel happy.
"What did you do? He looked drunk? I saw quite a few teachers cast sobering spells but none worked?"
The twins beamed, Fred explaining, "muggles are much more skilled in that stuff, they have some drugs that they use to 'spunk'-"
"Spike." Corrected George.
"Yeah, spike drinks," continued Fred, "to make people get drunker much faster."
George picked up from there, "there's a muggle bloke we know in Ottery Saint catch-pole who sells it.....and we got some to prank Ron. Since it needs so much muggle knowledge to identify, no way will anyone think we were behind it. Most older muggleborns there definitely recognised the symptoms, I heard Marty Bellweather speaking to McGonigall about it as she left the hall."
Fred was radiating smugness and George wasn't much better.

Delphi ran a hand through her hair, her manic grin soon forming to match their's, "of course! Since muggle drugs are magically inert, they won't be registered by detection charms!"
"Precisely!" Said the twins together, arms crossed and chests puffed. "Though of course, we've much bigger pranks planned ahead!"
Delphi cackled, "you two are marvels!"
She pulled their money out her pocket, "here."
Handing a surprised Fred the requisite change, Delphi jumped up to kiss both on their cheeks on impulse, then, head filled with remembrance of Dumbledore's embarrassment, she skipped off down the hall, humming.
She left two very shocked twins behind her, hands touching their reddening cheeks.


It was not particularly long after that, she was seeing the duo again however.
She was down by the Black lake still high off of Dumbledore's humiliation when she was fetched by Flitwick and brought up to the office of the man himself.
She was worried he suspected her, but the presence of the twins allayed her worries. She was the alibi.

"Ah, Miss Lovegood." Greeted Dumbledore like he hadn't ordered her presence, or mentally assaulted her a month prior. "These two gentlemen claim you were tutoring them in arithmancy for two hours prior to last night's feast. Is this the case?"
Delphi gave a surprised look, "oh! Is this about your ah- condition last night headmaster? I'm pretty sure it couldn't have been the twins, and not only because I was tutoring them in arithmancy. I heard Marty Bellweather wondering if your drink had been...spunked? It's a muggle thing and the twins were magically raised so if it was that how could they have done it?"

She could see Dumbledore was not completely convinced so she sighed and leant on his desk so they were face to face, "headmaster, if Fred and George Weasley managed to prank you I'm pretty sure it would be the greatest achievement of their Hogwarts careers and certainly involve you wearing drag, or at the very least singing opera. If making you appear a bit tipsy was the best they could manage, I think they wouldn't be the only ones disappointed with the prank. Most students haven't even glanced their way and the laughter the prank gets is the most important part."

She resisted the urge to smirk as her argument convinced him, and willed the twins to stop emanating such a smug aura.
"Very well, Messers Weasley, I believe this Judge finds you not guilty. Though if any of you find the culprit, fifty house points will come your way."
She could feel McGonigall's relief from here. If the twins had been found guilty, her house could kiss goodbye to the cup.

"Phew!" Sighed Fred, "I'd hate to go down for the only prank we didn't do, right Fred?"
"George!" Hissed George, with a mock warning look.
McGonigall promptly came forward at that, before things went down hill, "well, Albus, if you no longer require my charges, I shall be escorting them back to their common room."
"Ah, thank you Minerva." Said the headmaster though his eyes never left Delphi's.
"Miss Lovegood, may I have a word?"
"Only if it is in Swedish." Snapped Delphi before quickly slipping out the door with McGonigall and her brood.

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