Chapter 45: Battle of Hogwarts, Part 3

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Fred didn't think it could get any worse as he clutched onto Delphi's body. But it did.
He felt it happen, as the warm body he held close got lighter, and lighter, until suddenly his arms were empty.
Not exactly at his most rational the only thing he really processed about the event was that now he didn't even have Delphi's body to cry over, and it made him even more distressed. He didn't even register as the noise of battle dissipated around him, his mind was beyond it all.

George however did, and with his eyes desperately seeking new enemies to inflict his anger upon, he was able to fully appreciate what happened.
Time slowed and stopped. Spells halting mid path and rubble sprays hovered in mid air above the fighters in the courtyard below. A giant's club stilled inches above a terrified Auror. The battle paused, the people frozen, all except George.
And Fred, whose wails echoed strangely in the simultaneously loud and empty moment in time.

"Mr Weasley."
Turning, George found himself face to face with a rather short stern looking woman in a grey muggle business suit. "Uh, ma'am?"
His voice croaked, raw from screaming spells, but his address seemed to amuse her. Since she clearly had caused time to stop, George certainly thought amusing such a powerful person was a good move.
"I am Fate." She introduced herself simply, pushing on before he could respond. "Delphi was one of my chosen, and due to her stepping in in exchange with one due to be claimed by Death - your brother - an interesting development has arisen."

Some part of the interaction seemed to have gotten through to Fred, who had gone silent, though his brother still didn't stand.
Fate glanced at his brother curiously, but continued to address George in her level voice. "Do you know the tale of the three brothers?"

Taking a fortifying breath, George nodded, "I do...Ma'am."
"No silly questions or interruptions, my chosen picks her lovers well." Fate seemed vaguely approving but George couldn't really process much right now. At this statement, Fred managed to stand, staring sharply at the apparent deity in front of them.
The being continued briskly. "Death has made an agreement with me, the first of this kind he has ever permitted. You see he...made an error in judgement, when he granted those three brothers their allowing the gifts to remain here long after their owners' passing into his realm."
George was confused, but thankfully the deity didn't seemed to like interruptions so silent he remained. Fred thankfully had gathered himself enough to do the same.
"Death has brokered a deal with me to rectify this...oversight. If you two can gather all his hallows, he will allow my chosen's return to the land of the living."

George's brain gave up processing the rollercoaster of emotions he'd been on over the last few minutes leaving George numb to the news. " you mean returning to us alive and well in the way we think you do?"
Fate looked amused, "Death does like his tricks and plots, but he only plays like that with mortals. He knows I could give him hell if he tried to play me for a fool. After all it is Destiny and I who weave the greatest plots of all."
Fred spoke hoarsely, "you really mean it."
"I do. Though do not speak as if your task is an easy one."
"We have to track down the deathly hallows..." George thought hard, "what do we do once we have them?"
Fate tilted her head, "if you obtain them all, that question will answer itself, though I warn you, do not use the hallows yourselves. That will take you from my authority as Delphi's guardian deity, to Death's purview, and I cannot protect you then."
"Aren't you meant to speak more riddle-y?" Asked Fred.
Fate shook her head, "that's more destiny's thing, I am far too busy to trick like that. Speaking of, I must be getting on. Good luck, Mischief and Mayhem, Madness waits just beyond."
She smiled at their shocked faces before turning and vanishing.

It was only a second later, the battle began again.
George had to tackle Fred to the ground to dodge a spray of spells sent their way.
"What do we do?" Mumbled Fred as they crawled toward the edge of the courtyard for safety, "my head's not working."
George heaved himself up, using a wall to balance and pulled Fred into a corridor blessedly quiet. "For now brother mine, we survive and fight. Afterward we drink heavily. Then we think."
"Okay. We can get her back?"
George stared deep into his brother's eyes. "Yeah, think we can. Bloody better after she rescued your sorry arse."
Fred cracked a weak smile before drawing his wand.
It was at that moment Voldemort's amplified voice rang through the castle.

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