Chapter 43: Battle of Hogwarts, Part 1

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Happy New Year!
January is named for Janus, Roman God of Doors, Transitions, Endings and Beginnings. I hope he's kind to all of you this month, and in the year to come!


They took the floo to Aberforth's pub, and joined the ill fated Remus and Tonks in the tunnel to the Room of Requirement.
Ginny was arguing something fierce to remain and fight, but Delphi barely noticed. She could see Harry staring from across the room and gently pulled away from George's side to approach him.
"You're okay?" he asked.
She smiled softly, "in the least important ways. Luna told you about the diadem yes?"
"Yes, it is the Horcrux isn't it?" He asked.
She smiled, "mention my name when you speak to the grey lady, Harry. Time is of the essence and her stubbornness has lasted a thousand years already."

"Why are you here? How can you fight?" Asked a worried Ginny.
Delphi smirked and adjusted her frog goggles, "Your brothers are geniuses and Mad-Eye Moody proved great inspiration."

She nodded to the pair as Harry darted off to find the ghost in question, before turning away to join her twins. George's hand on her waist was a little too tight but she couldn't blame him for worrying.
Fred's hand found her own and squeezed, just as an ashamed Percy almost fell into the room.
His apology was stilted and shame faced, and the Weasleys were quick to forgive, especially after Delphi strode forward and gave the man a hug.

Kingsley Shacklebolt waited politely, before striding forwards to stand in front of the order and remaining students. "We've only got half an hour until midnight, so we need to act fast! A battle plan has been agreed between the teachers of Hogwarts and the Order of the Phoenix. Professors Flitwick, Sprout and McGonagall are going to take groups of fighters up to the three highest Towers – Ravenclaw, Astronomy and Gryffindor – where they'll have a good overview, excellent positions from which to work spells. Meanwhile, Remus, Arthur, and I will take groups into the grounds. We'll need somebody to organise defence of the entrances of the passageways into the school –"
Fred spoke up from beside her, "sounds like a job for us."
Kingsley nodded his approval. "All right, leaders up here and we'll divide up the troops!"

Fred didn't bother to stay, gathering Angelina, Katie and Lee, he, George and Delphi to make their way out of the room.
"So," began George as they strode down toward the fifth floor, "we've got five passages to protect since the one on the fourth floor is caved in, and the one in the room of requirement doesn't need us."
"Leave the whomping willow." Muttered Delphi quietly. "And the one on Second."
George paused, "make that three passages. Gregory the Smarmy on the first floor, the one eyed witch on the third floor, and that portrait of the nose picking knight on fifth."
"We'll take the one eyed witch." Said Katie, gripping Angelina's hand tightly.
George nodded, "hope you don't come back as one eyed witches yourselves ladies."
"I'll take Lee and we'll cover the Nose Picking knight." Volunteered Delphi calmly. It was the only passageway she had no knowledge of in this fight, at least at first, so was the one she presumably guards.
Fred opened his mouth but Delphi raised her hand. "Don't. Neither of us will be picking our noses when the enemy comes through."
"You're no fun." Fred scowled.
She smiled, and leaned up to kiss his lips, guiding herself with a hand on his shoulder. "When we all get back tonight I'll be all the fun you need."
"Ew!" Complained Lee, "I did not need to hear that!"

The twins ignored him, because Delphi had just implied they'd all survive this. They'd been sure this was the day, but had they been wrong? Delphi had never lied to them before.
As for Delphi, she wanted Fred to feel confident and happy for as long as she could make it happen, and hopefully to avoid them behaving differently and making things worse due to foreknowledge. There was no point in either of them feeling like inevitable death was hanging over them. She managed to keep her smile unwavering as she kissed George, before turning and locking arms with Lee and letting him lead her away.

"So is this the busiest passage or the quietest one?" Asked Lee, excited to be with the fortune teller during this battle.
Delphi gave her most winning smile, "I have no idea."
He groaned and she smirked.


"What was that about." Fred stared after Delphi in confusion. She was practically cat walking as she left, her confidence levels were so high and he felt like he was getting a lot of mixed signals.
"Women." Sighed George. "Come on brother mine, we've a passage to destroy."

Fred followed his brother down another set of stairs to the first floor, unnaturally quiet and empty considering the number of people in the castle.
They found Gregory the Smarmy quick enough, wishing they had the marauders map so they could check on Delphi, but knowing Harry needed it more.
"Appropriate." Sighed George, patting the shoulder of the hunched statue. "First passage we found, and here we are again Gred."
"Don't get nostalgic on me Forge," said Fred mildly as he started casting hexes to cave in the passage, "doesn't suit us. Besides we'll fix it back up after for future troublemakers."
George didn't say more, but joined in casting blasting hexes at the rough ceiling.

"Why did Delphi pick fifth do you think."
"Over thinking her actions will only lead to misery Gred, she's a Lovegood, a Seer and a woman, that's a triple threat even we can't defeat."
"Fair point." Fred grinned slightly, "she promised us all the fun we'll need, excited Forge?"
George rolled his eyes, "bit preoccupied with the final battle against mouldy shorts Gred."

The tunnel finally caved.
Almost the same moment, the castle shuddered and groaned.
"Well that doesn't sound good." Muttered Fred, following his twin over to the window. They were just in time to see the protective shield falling apart, and hear the first battle cries.
"Shit. That wasn't long at all." Whispered George.
They stared at each other a long moment, breathing shaky.
"I'd be more useful with a group in one of the towers, transfiguration and all."  Said Fred.
George nodded, "and I'd work better on the ground. You're shit at Defence."
"I guess we split up then."

George would be in the direct line of fire.
Fred was terrified at the thought, and pulled his brother into his arms. "We gotta hold Delphi to her promise yeah?"
George was relieved it had turned out this way. He'd rather die than live without Fred. "Yeah. See you soon brother mine!"

They pulled apart and strode in opposite directions, Fred toward the astronomy tower, and George to the Entrance Hall. They did not look back.

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