Chapter 27: Pranking Pink

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Delphi sent a mental thanks to Flitwick as she boarded the train.
Apparently she'd been on the head girl short list, which, for this year was the last thing she wanted. Of all the years of school this was the one she'd strangely looked forward to. Fred and George would wreck havoc on Umbridge, and without a badge Delphi couldn't wait to join them.
Their Animagus development was going along smoothly too which was exciting.
She was tempted to involve the golden trio, but any changes to their lives could rock the boat too dangerously.

She'd barely settled into an empty compartment when they found her. She wondered how they did it, but thought the question best left unasked.

In the context of the familiar train it was easier to see how much the twins had changed that summer, that wonderful, perfect summer.
They were comfortably a head taller than her now, and their days in the sun had left the pair almost as tanned as their brother Charlie.
They were no longer the gangly duo that had taken her from the Yule ball, and their filled out, even slightly muscular frames did something to her insides she did her utmost to ignore.

She wasn't aware of the changes in her, though the twin's couldn't look away.
Her figure had settled over the summer, more well balanced and proportioned as she made the final transition from girl to woman. Her even longer hair was braided neatly in a side plait down to her waist, leaving her face clear, and drawing attention to her indigo eyes, and sharpened cheek bones. Her erudite look would remind most of the grey lady of Ravenclaw, and she possessed a quiet confidence many would come to admire.

"What's with the good mood?" Asked Fred playfully, when their arrival brought a smile to her lips, "you were mourning the end of the summer yesterday."
She chuckled, "Let's just say I have some insider knowledge that this will be a pretty entertaining year. Well the punchline isn't great but the rest is fun enough."
George smirked as they put away their trunks and settled in for a peaceful ride.


Delphi pulled away from the twins at the station finding Harry, Ron and Hermione several carriages down.
"Can I borrow you Harry?" She asked calmly.
Ron eyed her doubtfully but Hermione herded him onto one of the carriages without much fuss leaving the pair of them with some semblance of privacy.
"What is it?"
She sighed, "the ministry will be interfering with the school this year. I want you to know you have my support what ever you choose, but please try not to antagonise the representative."
He looked at her with narrowed eyes, "you mean about how they're pretending Voldemort isn't back?" He half growled.
She nodded firmly, speaking before he could argue, "how many times how you shouted at Malfoy for being rude to Hermione? He thinks her beneath him, even when she beats his grades every year. Not once has you calling him out changed his view. Prejudices are blinding, and sometimes you just have to grit your teeth. Open confrontations rarely work."
He assented reluctantly, though he still looked pissed, "you'd have me do nothing?"
"I never said that."

She winked before hopping onto one of the nearer carriages.
She had to endure judgemental silence from the Slytherin sixth years she'd joined, but hopefully the conversation would stop Harry openly antagonising Umbridge. It really wasn't worth it.


"God she's a rotten piece of work."
Fred looked furious and he settled beside Delphi in the library, George on his heels. Delphi noted Lee behind them and gave the exasperated guy an apologetic smile as he left to find his other friends.
"A woman who prizes order and hierarchy above all else." Stated Delphi calmly. "Naturally her defiance of the second law of thermodynamics deserves karmic retribution."
"In non-muggle speak." Deadpanned George.
Delphi grinned, "surely a poor unfortunate woman so controlling and trapped in structure...would appreciate a little chaos?"
"Why didn't we think of that!" They yelled, earning a scowl from Madam Pince.
Delphi chuckled, "you boys losing your touch I guess." She continued before they could complain, "come on, I have a great idea for a base of operations."

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