Chapter 20: Fools of April

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You may notice I've changed the name. Eurydice might be a little too abstract for most people as Greek mythology goes, and this felt better anyway.

Hope you like this chapter, it's appropriate for Valentines day.

*Grins in anticipation*


Fred stretched, enjoying the feel of his Hogwarts four poster, and the cotton against his skin. George shifted and yawned beside him. Yes, they shared a bed. No, it wasn't romantic or sexual, it was just something they always did that was comfortable.
"Happy birthday." Muttered George sleepily, though there was a laugh at the edge of his tone and Fred scowled.
It had always been a bit of a competition who could congratulate the other first, and annoyingly George almost always won.
"Happy birthday my fellow April fool." He returned with a grin.

They'd discovered their birthday fell on a muggle pranking holiday - the existence of which proved muggle superiority in their opinion - and had never forgotten how perfect it was, even if no one else knew it in the wizard world.
George leaned over to look at the pile of presents between their beds, and, grasping for his wand, began casting the usual diagnostic spells. People enjoyed attempting revenge on their birthday, so it was always worth checking the presents before opening them.
"All clear." Muttered George in mild surprise. "Even Lee's."
"Damn, playing nice for our coming of age? Any chance he found a higher level of concealment charm?"
"Not likely with how busy it's been this year."
"Well then..."
George mirrored his smirk, "we'll just have to make up for the lack of pranks ourselves."

They both got up, stretching the stiffness from their bodies, and tugging on jumpers to combat the early morning chill. Settling on the floor they immediately noticed the odd ones out.
As Delphi had pointed out, they didn't exactly help people tell them apart, so usually even their presents from family and friends were labelled to the both of them.
Acting identical had really grown as a defence mechanism, since if they always acted the same, they could blame people misnaming them on their acting skills...and not people not caring to know them well enough to tell apart.

But there, in tasteful purple (George's favourite colour) and green (Fred's not that he'd tell anyone), were two presents for them individually.
They could guess who they were from, and though their fingers itched to unwrap them immediately, they set out to open all the others first.

It turned out Lee really had found a higher level of concealment charm, resulting in both of them being covered in glittery neon pink paint, which even after thorough showers and scourgifys, left their hair slightly more magenta and sparkly than usual. The rest of their gifts ranged from books, to sweets, to prank supplies, along with identical study planners from their mother which would have put a downer on their moods if Delphi's gifts weren't sitting between them, with no more obstacles left.

Their eyes met, then they lunged, grabbing their respective gifts and tearing off the wrapping with enthusiasm.
Inside George's lay a letter, a book on potions he was pretty sure could only be found in the restricted section and a mysterious box. Fred also got a letter, a box and a book, but the last was a rather old and shady book...on self transfiguration including Animagi.
The books were treasures that went far beyond what they'd expected as gifts, and they both reached for the boxes with nervous anticipation, opening them to find sets of glasses...not unlike the ones they often saw Luna wearing.

"Maybe the letters explain?" Suggested George dryly.
Fred nodded and unfolded his parchment, his thumb brushing over her delicate script in purple ink.

Happy Birthday Fred,
I hope I don't need to tell you that no one can find that book I'm lending you. I'm sorry I can't give it to you but it's from the Lovegood library (what remains after my aunt Fiadh's great drinking spree of 1927) and not mine to give permanently, but it's yours for as long as you need.
As for the glasses...they're a little special. Luna wears a prototype, but these have the latest updates I made to the runic array. I won't give it all away, but if there's somewhere you want to go, or something you want to find, they can guide you there. They are designed to look so wacky so no one will suspect they are as valuable and powerful as they are.
I know I have odd moments outside of the familial norm, and I'm sorry if I worry you. I wish I could explain myself but I am unable to.
I hope that won't stop our friendship, it is one of the greatest things I have.
I wish you many laughs and much chaos,

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