Chapter 11: Draco Domiens

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Who else loves escape rooms?


Delphi planned to practically sleep in the library after Flitwick granted her freedom in the restricted section. As someone who could practically feel the books breathe and think, she felt like she was addressing the Wizengamot the first time she entered the dusky aisles of ancient restricted tomes. She stood still, back straight as she felt them assess her worth. Her magic, her aura, her very soul.

Some books seemed to accept her quickly, a sense of welcome emanating from them as they relaxed back on their shelves. Some seemed indecisive, and some openly hostile.
She approached one of the hostile books, 'Magicke Moste Evile' by Godelot. Trying to appear confident, she gently stroked its spine, feeling as the book struggled not to shudder in pleasure. After five strokes, it eventually gave in, giving a huff of dust as it accepted her presence. With the book's acknowledgement, the remaining hostility evapourated, and Delphi had made some new 'friends'.


It was a week after her first visit, that her solitude with her tomes was interrupted. She'd finished all her main assignments so was happily petting the dangerous books in the deepest part of the restricted section, getting them the attention they deserved.

"It's been a long time since I saw a student treat the books with the respect they deserve."
Delphi gave a noncommittal sound, turning to tilt her head in acknowledgement of the grey lady. "A pleasure to see you, my lady."
"Indeed." Reply the ghost slightly sarcastically. Helena Ravenclaw was beautiful, but she wasn't known for her meekness. When their eyes met however, something in her face must have interested the woman as she floated closer, and demanded; "Let me look at you."
She gestured impatiently with her hand for Delphi to raise her head, and the blonde did, deciding to go with the flow.
The next second the spirit was nose to nose with her, eyeing her like a judgemental ballet teacher. "Purple eyes...quite rare. A seer too. Though your nose says it all... perhaps you might be of the Ravenclaw line."
Delphi could only stare. "But you were your mother's only child?"
The grey lady snorted derisively, "yes I was...but my mother wasn't the first Ravenclaw, and she certainly wasn't an only child. She had a brother, though he was too bookish to even spare the time to found a school...his name was Aurelius and he spent most of his life protecting and maintaining the great library in Alexandria, still shielded to this day by his wards I believe."
Delphi listened in deep thought, and desperately memorising this definitely forgotten knowledge.

The grey lady smiled, clearly lost in nostalgia. "Mother was so shocked when she heard he'd had a daughter. Learned it at his funeral in fact. The mother was a traveller, from the far East, a wanderer by nature though she sadly died in child birth. Mother naturally took the girl under her wing after...well never mind. I've said more than I should have to someone who may not be a descendant. Come."
The ghost turned without another word and Delphi almost fell over to follow her. The lady didn't bother with a path a live human could follow, so keeping track of her as she travelled through the bookcases and occasional walls was hell, but eventually they reached an alcove near the very back of the huge library. There were no students present, this deep in, and Delphi wasn't entirely sure she'd actually seen this area before.

"If you puzzle it out, and are accepted, I'll answer every question buzzing about that head of yours." Stated Helena dismissively before turning away and examining a bookshelf behind her.

It wasn't exactly an easy change of events to become accustomed to, but she could have a quiet meltdown later, so Delphi focused on the area she'd been led to.
There were three book cases, two of which were against a wall, and one large one blocking her from viewing the rest of the library. These contained a ton of beautiful old books, though they didn't appear to follow any order, with runes and magizoology books as neighbours with divination and metalwork. In amongst the books, various curiosities could be found. What looked like a very rudimentary sneakoscope, a mounted cat skeleton, a globe, a purple rock faintly pulsating, a rose continuously blooming and wilting, and a jar of what looked like dragon scales.

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