Chapter 33: Wedding Bells

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Hope everyone is enjoying their summers as much as I am! Up to anything cool?
...worn yellow to any weddings?


Delphi hummed as she added final adjustments to Fleur's hair.
"Do I look alright?" Asked the older woman tentatively, hands smoothing over her dress nervously.
"You look breath taking. I don't think Ginny and I will ever recover from the blows to our self esteem." She replied, placing a reassuring hand on Fleur's shoulder.
Her fellow blonde suddenly turned, taking that hand in her own and gazing deep into Delphi's eyes. "I've been told you 'ave the sight." She said.
Delphi opened her mouth to dismiss it as casually as possible but Fleur continued before she had the chance.
"Please...I know these things aren't to be spoken out loud! But would you just look me in the eyes and tell me we make it? As a couple at least?"
This is why Delphi kept it a secret. The reasonable requests she'd look terrible denying, that build on each other one at a time toward disaster.
But it was the woman's wedding day, and Delphi looked her in the eyes and smiled, nodding.

Delphi adjusted her bridesmaid dress and moved over to help Ginny zip up hers before leaving the duo for some fresh air.
All the guys were down at the marquee, but she did bump into Hermione headed out without the purse she knew the girl would need.
Hermione jumped when she spied her, but Delphi only smiled innocently - a skill she was steadily perfecting. "You look lovely Hermione."
"Oh right, uh, you too."
"Yes," Delphi tapped her chin, eyeing Hermione critically. "Yes, the dress and shoes are lovely, but that purse..."
The younger woman stared at her uncertainly.
"Something purple and beaded would fit better. A durable bag suited to all occasions?"
She watched as it dawned on her face.
"-Won't tell a soul." Delphi interrupted lightly, "No one will ever know you started out with a terrible gold bag that clashed with your gorgeous red dress."
She did her best Dumbledore twinkling eyes, which seemed to work by the unnerved look it earned, before turning away, "safe travels Miss Granger."

She loved the fact no matter how hard Hermione tried to pin them down, she and Luna could remain completely unfathomable to the genius...convinced as she was that divination was all rubbish.

Stepping outside, Delphi closed her eyes, inhaling the heady scents of the summer. She could smell the bushels of roses that were found on every table, and taste the faint bitterness of lemonade on her tongue. It was a perfect day.
As she headed toward the Marquee to see if she could scout some food before being dragged back to support the bride, she spied her sister convening with the gnomes. She was tempted to join, this group in particular knew some colourful swear words thanks to her boyfriends and were particularly interesting to interact with....but perhaps another time.

"Hiya Harry," she murmured to a plump red headed boy, making him choke on his drink, before she continued inside, determined to obtain food. She caught sight of pastries just about the same moment Molly Weasley caught sight of her and cursed her luck.
The woman beckoned her back toward the house and she sighed, trying to savour the fresh snacks with her eyes before following the mother of the bride back across the lawn.

She managed to escape the stylist Fleur had hired ten minutes later, hair far smoother and controlled than she liked. Slipping into Twins' old bedroom which was across the hall, she gazed out the open window at the steadily crowding marquee.
She will forever deny the squeak she made when she was suddenly face to face with Fred.
"Rapunsel," he addressed her charming grin in place, adjusting his grip on the oak tree he was precariously sat in, "I'd say let down your hair but I fear it is too short."
"Fred what are you doing?" She sat back up to stare at him, "The service starts in five minutes!"
He nodded thoughtfully, "I saw a fair maiden in need and could not but act with honour."
She cocked her head, only to gasp as he cast wingardium leviosa and levitated a whole tray of sausage rolls onto the window ledge.

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