Chapter 8

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We were just sitting down to breakfast, when the demon lord started acting strangely... But eating quickly isn't the same as not eating at all. So his actions aren't on account of a dislike for bread. And what did he mean by saying 'he is here'? He couldn't be talking about our hero? It's still too soon for him to be here. Isn't it?

"The hero has arrived at my castle. You see, when I went to get your clothes last night, I also left behind a map in your chambers showing the way here, which would explain how he got here, and so quickly. Even on foot, it is only half a day's journey here from the castle of your father the king. So, if you were discovered missing last night, and the king were to waste no time in commanding the hero to rescue you, I imagined that he would be here at about this time."

"Well, yes, that would explain it. If our hero has arrived, then I guess we had better hurry up and finish eating our breakfast. But what should I do? If our hero is already at the gates of your castle, then I hardly have time to sit around and wash the dishes, now, do I? I mean, you and our hero are going to do battle now, and I need to see it. And to do that, I naturally need to be in a place from which I can view the action. But if our hero spots me right away, then there won't be any need for you and him to do battle after all. I guess I've just got to stay hidden someplace where our hero won't be able to spot me."

"When you have finished your breakfast, Your Highness, come with me, and I will make the necessary preparations."


Wait a second. What kind of preparations are we talking about here? If he wants me to go with him, then I guess it must be so I can watch him do battle with our hero. Still...what sort of preparations do we need to make for the battle between our hero and the demon lord, anyway? We went to a fairly large room that opened onto a stairwell. Here, it seemed, was where the demon lord intended to fight our hero. The demon lord told me that all I had to do was sit in a chair at the top of the stairs. So I did as I was told, and quickly realized that I could see the room below just fine. This would probably be all right for watching the coming battle between the demon lord and our hero. There was also little danger that our hero would simply take me away from here, even if he did spot me, since the demon lord was standing at my side. It was perfect. I even had time to wonder why the demon lord was holding a glass of the mixed fruit juice I'd made with breakfast that morning, especially given that he'd drunk all that I'd made, leaving nothing behind (and I could see that the fruit juice in his cup was fresh, too). As these thoughts were running through my head, however...

To Be Continued

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