Chapter 2

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I was startled to hear a voice from nearby. Eh? Who's there? I wondered as I looked in the direction the voice had come from. There, standing outside the window, was a pretty studly guy. The only thing was, my window was three stories off the ground. I decided I was more interested in talking to him than in trying to figure out how he got there, though, so so I opened the window and let him in my room.

"My apologies for speaking to you like this," he said. "But you sounded like you were having such fun that I couldn't help myself."

But that would mean that I had been thinking aloud...Oh well, whatever. "If you heard me talk, then you must know pretty much the situation I'm in."

"You mean about how you wish to wed a strong man, and you wish also to see just how strong this hero is?"

"Yeah, that's it. Have you got any ideas?"

He did indeed seem to have a good idea in mind, regarding my getting to see the power of our hero. However...

"Before we get to that, might I offer myself as a prospective husband too? I'm strong. It's just that..."

"Just... what?"

"I'm not human. In fact, I'm the greatest of the demons, what you might colloquially call the demon lord."

"Eh? The demon lord? But I thought our hero slew the demon lord. Didn't he?"

"Your hero slew an imposter, in all likelihood. After all, the demon lord stands before you now."

"But you don't look all that different from us humans. I mean you don't have wings or a tail, or anything like that. A demon lord ought to be bigger, and have a bunch of arms, and give off a weird aura or something, shouldn't he?"

To Be Continued

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