Chapter 7

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When I finished cleaning my room, the demon lord drew a bath for me.

"Now where is the bath? Oh, wait, what about changing my clothes? I didn't bring anything with me."

"I will go to your rooms in the king's castle and pick some suitable things out of your wardrobe while you are having your bath."

"Thank you. I'll just go and have my bath, then, and change my clothes when you get back." Splash!

Oh, this feels so good. It's a little smaller than my bath at home, but it's big enough for a single person to fit comfortably, and it's got a big window, with a beautiful view, too. Sigh... I came to the demon lord's castle so suddenly... I bet Mom and Dad and the castle staff are probably worried about what's happened to me. Oh, wait, I haven't been gone very long. They probably haven't even noticed. Well, I certainly don't regret coming here. There's nobody here at all, which makes it quiet enough, and the demon lord seems nice enough (for a demon lord), not to mention plenty strong, apparently. But I'll let him show me his might when our hero appears. For now, I'll just take it easy.

"I have brought you a change of clothes, Your Highness. I will leave it here."

"Thank you."

Well, now that the demon lord is back, I probably should get out of the tub.


Now to brush my teeth and gargle... Well, that's all done, so I think I'm going to call it a day. Good night, o demon lord.


Twitch. Blink. Yawn. I really needed that. That's funny. This doesn't seem like my bed... Oh, I remember, I'm staying in the demon lord's castle. And the sun sure is high in the sky. I must have really slept in this morning, if that is any indication... For a place I've never been before, I sure did sleep soundly. I guess I could make myself at home in this castle. Speaking of which, where is my host? I wonder if he's already awake? I think I'll go peek in his room. First, I'll just get dressed... Well, how do you like that? He brought my entire wardrobe... OK, now I'm decent. Now, off to the demon lord's chambers.

Knock knock... Knock knock. Knock knock... "O demon lord? That's funny, there's no answer. Maybe he's still asleep... Well, that's OK. I'll take this opportunity to make breakfast."

Tick, tick, tick, done!

All set! Now to go and wake up the demon lord.

Knock knock... Knock knock. Knock knock... "O demon lord? That's funny, there's still no answer. Maybe he's still asleep? In that case, I'll just slip inside."

Click. "Good morning."

Why, the demon lord is sitting in a chair... "Hey, is that how you sleep?"

"Snore... Snore..."

Well, I'll be. He's asleep, all right. But why does he sleep like that? Could it be because his wings get in the way of him lying on his back? No matter. I'll just go and wake him up now.

Rustle rustle rustle.

"Good morning, o demon lord, it's time to wake up. You'd best wake up soon, or else breakfast is going to get cold."

"Huh? Oh, it's you, Your Highness. Good morning. What brings you here at such an early hour?"

"Ah, you're awake at last. And it isn't early. The sun is already high in the sky. Anyway, I made breakfast, so I thought you might like to join me. You can't really refuse, though, because I already made plenty for the both of us."

"I'd be delighted. Just let me get dressed, and we'll be on our way." Snap!

"Wow! You just snapped your fingers, and your clothes instantly changed. That's amazing. It's like seeing a magician do his tricks."

"Well, like I said, this is real magic..."


"This looks like another delicious meal."

"Oh, thank you ever so much, o demon lord."

"And without further ado, let us eat."

"Oh yes, eat up. And so will I."

"I think I'll start with the toast... Hmh?"

Uh-oh, all of a sudden the demon lord froze up and took a peek out the window. There's something strange about it... I hope it's not because of my cooking. Maybe he just doesn't like bread of this type?

"It would appear that we will not have the luxury of eating breakfast at our leisure. He is here, so we must eat quickly."

To Be Continued

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