Chapter 4

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Having our hero and the demon lord do battle might really be a sight to see...

"Well, I suggest you resign yourself, because the fact is that you will have to come with me. Once we are at my castle, however, you need not do anything in particular, aside from waiting for the hero to arrive."

"Well, that sounds kind of dull... Still, I guess there's nothing for it, if I'm going to see you and our hero demonstrate their power, right? OK, you've got a deal."

"Then let us be off to my castle. But before we go, would I be an acceptable suitor for Your Highness's hand in wedlock?"

"Oh, come on, of course not. We've only just met, after all, and I hardly know anything about you (though come to that, it's true that I only just met our hero today, too, I admit). Still, seeing as how it looks as though we're going to be living together for a while, let's see how it goes before we make up our minds, OK?"

"I can accept that. After all, when all is said and done, I will do battle with the hero and show you my might. So let us not delay further in going to my castle."

"OK! But, uh... How are we going to get there?"

"If you will permit me..."

Eeek! The demon lord just reached out and grabbed me! And since he's grabbing me and leaving by the window means we're going to fly, I guess. Does that mean we have far to go? I hope it won't be too heavy for him to carry me, if we're going flying and all. But then, if he couldn't manage that, he wouldn't be all that strong, demon lord or not, right? Oh wow, we're floating! And it feels... so good... 

"Do you always do things that feel this good? It seems kind of unfair."

"Well, that's probably because you don't have your own wings, and thus, can't fly under your own power. Hardly what I would call unfair, however."

"Ha ha! I'm kidding. It's that it feels good, though. The breeze is cool, and the view of the towns from up here is lovely. But how far is it to your castle from here? Do we just keep going straight on until we get there?"

"Yes, it's about 10 minutes' straightline distance from here. Or, if you like, I can go faster still."

"You can go faster? Then do it, please."

To Be Continued

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