Chapter 5

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I am now on my way to the castle of the demon lord...

"We have arrived, Your Highness. There is my castle."

"You mean, that's it? From here, at least, it looks like a fairly ordinary castle. I would have thought that a demon lord's castle would be all gloomy and dark, surrounded by fog and weird vines and moss growing all over it, and human blood dripping all over everything, you know?"

"I really would be reluctant to live in such a place...I admit, though, that it isn't as clean or nice as it could be, since I live here by myself."

As he said this, we came in to his castle by a second floor window. I had to wonder whether he always came and went through windows, though I figured it wasn't really all that big a deal. What really got me thinking was hearing that he lived in that big castle all by himself.

"It had to be a lonely existence, right?"

"That's one more reason why I brought you here. But please, rest yourself. Your quarters are not yet ready. I will prepare a suitable room for Your Highness while you rest and catch your breath."

"All right. Oh, you know something? I haven't had dinner yet, and I'm starting to get hungry... What should I do? Come to think of it, is there anything to eat here? And if there is, is it anything that I could eat? You know, I hadn't even thought of that. I could really be in a lot of trouble here, you know?"

"Oh, you mean you haven't had dinner either? Then why don't we dine together? I'll cook, and I can't offer anything too spectacular...By the way, I eat the same things as humans do, so you need have no worries on that account."

"I must admit to being a bit curious about what sort of dinner a demon lord would make, but since I'm here and all, why don't you let me cook instead? What do you say, o demon lord?"

"Oh, but you are my guest, Your Highness, and besides..."

"Huh? Oh, I get it, you don't think that a princess like me would even know how to cook. Well, it might come as a surprise, but I'm really not a bad cook. Hanging around a castle, I don't have much to do with my time besides studying, so I use my free time for making candies and such."

"Is that so?"

"Nobody eats my cooking, though, so I don't rightly know whether I'm doing it right or not. It seems fine when I eat my own cooking, though. So let me do it, please. Just once, I'd like to have someone else eat my cooking (even if that someone should be the demon lord). Okay?"

"Very well, please be my guest. I would be honored to be the first to be able to partake of your cooking, Your Highness."

"Yes! I'll get started right away. I just need to make enough for the two of us, right?"

"Uh, yes. Now please let me do something to help."

"OK, why don't you get the utensils. First of all, though, where is your kitchen? Also, I need to know what there is in your icebox."

"The kitchen is this way."

To Be Continued

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